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Ledgendary Member
5000+ Posts Club
Jan 25, 2021
Most firm and organisation need constant and adequate power supply to carry out their operation and keep business running.And when these basic amenities are not provided business owners tend to look for alternative.But after spending much on power facility for their business operation,The government then impose a heavy levy on power generation,because they want to be the sole provider of generating power.How would an organisation adjust itself inoder to still be in business.
I have seen so many companies folding up just because the amount spent on power is so alarming and there is no constant power from the government. The government has not been sincere with the way they handle the issue with power, just because they are in the seat of power they can use government money to satisfy their flambuoyant life and keep others people's business crumbled.
Acquiring other means of generating power to keep the Industry running is very important because some countries are not providing adequate power supply for people in the society for their daily living and production factory and other companies
I believe that one of the sectors that will disrupted very soon is the power sector, very soon power generation will longer be a rocket science as we are made to believe in my country Nigeria, source of power such as power and wind, especially solar will soon become very cheap to acquire much more than the convention way of power generation.
With the type of character some leaders are exhibiting, it is difficult for so many institutions to excel. Government officials are now selfish in gathering wealth for themselves and their families. Small scale businesses are folding up because of the lack of electricity in various countries
Most firm and organisation need constant and adequate power supply to carry out their operation and keep business running.And when these basic amenities are not provided business owners tend to look for alternative.But after spending much on power facility for their business operation,The government then impose a heavy levy on power generation,because they want to be the sole provider of generating power.How would an organisation adjust itself inoder to still be in business.
The best thing for businesses that needs electricity 🔌 for its services is to get alternative power supply through installation of solar power for small businesses and or purchase of diesel engine to power their heavy duty machines and equipment. Businesses like barbing salon can function on small solar arrangement while power generators are good for businesses like welder
The organization should send an appeal to the government organization in charge of electricity. Alternative power supply like solar panels, wind energy and biofuels can only power small devices in the office. They lack the energy content to power large industrial machines for large organizations. Use of power supply alternatives like industrial generators can power these industrial machines but it is quite expensive to operate.
Let me give you an alternative way. Use solar panels. If you are in an underdeveloped country, relying on government power will make you go bankrupt. Imagine fixing light by yourself, contribute for transformers, build and wire your house and they will still charge you exorbitant fees. Better install solar panels
Most firm and organisation need constant and adequate power supply to carry out their operation and keep business running.And when these basic amenities are not provided business owners tend to look for alternative.But after spending much on power facility for their business operation,The government then impose a heavy levy on power generation,because they want to be the sole provider of generating power.How would an organisation adjust itself inoder to still be in business.
The use of renewable and sustainable energy resources has come to stay for power generation. The reasons for this are numerous. Firstly, you save cost for using this alternatives rather than spending continuously on the government provided power that is quite expensive and badly maintained. Also, renewable energy is more reliable and efficient, it is also less dangerous to our health unlike the power from fossil fuels that contaminates our ecosystem. Lastly, power from the national grid is not usually available for many developing countries. The alternatives power are the lasting solution in this case.
I have seen such countless organizations collapsing up in light of the fact that the sum spent on force is so disturbing and there is no consistent force from the public authority. The public authority has not been true with the manner in which they handle the issue with influence, since they are in the seat of influence they can utilize government cash to fulfill their flambuoyant life and keep others individuals' business disintegrated.
Government provided power which is not constant may not sustain the business, investing in other sources of power like Solar, wind and others may be expensive, therefore some of the investments or companies make use of diesel generators 24/7 to be able to move the business without interruption, these are one of the reasons why there is increase in the cost of products.
  • the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (FMPWH) plays a role in initiating, formulating, coordinating and implementing broad policies and programmes promoting the development of electricity generation from all sources of energy;
The only way that I think you can use is the use of power plants. I don't really know how they work. But in my country when there are electricity problems, many homes and businesses have such an alternative. I have heard of solar plants where they do not use electricity but I think it would be a huge investment for it
Power needs to be available every time at affordable rates especially when needed for business. Having an alternative power source than government source gives avenue for cheaper and more available power for production.
Use of alternative power apart from government own is not a new thing in our country. It has been for ages. When we found out those behind. We still saw that it was the government people. Why do they do this? They do this just to accrue money into there pocket by selling the generating plants to populous numbers of citizen. Government is curupt at all levels.
Recent developments can now show that the government can issue harsh conditions to striving and already existing businesses so all we can do is appeal with responsible government agencies and participate in government programs to make government friendlier
In a country where electricity is a big problem, so many companies do fold up because if the cost of electricity bill spent on a daily basis, some business cannot stay or be active without the use of electricity.
Most firm and organisation need constant and adequate power supply to carry out their operation and keep business running.And when these basic amenities are not provided business owners tend to look for alternative.But after spending much on power facility for their business operation,The government then impose a heavy levy on power generation,because they want to be the sole provider of generating power.How would an organisation adjust itself inoder to still be in business.
In my country this is a major challenge and a killer of small businesses, when we were operating a food business this was our major problem as we relied heavily on generator and the cost was over the roof. I think solar panels though costly are a better option in the long run.
There are alternatives to government provided source of power supply such as,heavy duty generators that can power up big engines and be sufficient to operate in what ever task being placed on the various machines.

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