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Student life

About student life..

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    Votes: 4 22.2%
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    Votes: 14 77.8%

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Student life actually teaches you how to be independent. You get a lot of experiences and also memorable moments. Student life throws both the positive and negative aspect, just depends on the one you choose to catch and stick with.
Student life actually teaches you how to be independent. You get a lot of experiences and also memorable moments. Student life throws both the positive and negative aspect, just depends on the one you choose to catch and stick with.
Very good @Neeta313 it is an experience that is lived and then missed. However, your words are very wise, they teach to be independent and it is up to the student to choose the right path to follow according to the experiences and lessons learned, to plan the immediate and long term future.
Being a student grants you a lot of opportunities which varies but needs the decisive ability of such a person. This is because such a person might get entangled with bad habits all in the name of freedom which indeed, it's bondage. Students life or stage has the positive and negative impact.
Childhood time is the best , I just dream to be a child again .
i agree with you because i feel the same , student life is the best life when you are free and can do anything and can go anywhere because you don't have more responsibility. you are just like a bird who fly in the sky
i agree with you because i feel the same , student life is the best life when you are free and can do anything and can go anywhere because you don't have more responsibility. you are just like a bird who fly in the sky
What days we lived when we were kids , unfortunately days cannot return backwards .
Student life is always nice but sometimes hard beyond our expectation. I could remember when I was in the university, one have to battle with tedious courses, low financial income, early classes and others. But today am grateful because I overcame.
A student life is really hectic and difficult, very damanding and challenging but I think its the period of your life that you get to choose who you want to be and totally define your character and personality.
A student life is really hectic and difficult, very damanding and challenging but I think its the period of your life that you get to choose who you want to be and totally define your character and personality.
yes, maybe you are right but still we need that life because we live life as we want and enjoy everything without taking any more tension. we are single and we have no responsibility for the family as parents have now.
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
Many people need to know this infact we should be sharing our college experiences for incoming entrants to learn from , so they won't have regrets . When I was in college I didn't maximise my potential by learning some extra skills I wish someone had told me this
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
Hmm... not really the most beautiful, but agree with the fact that its one of the important party of or life because you meet different people from different background you relate with them and make friends with some and vice versa with some. Etc
Student Life make you find your own niche on campus,connect with students within or beyond your residence hall, organization, or academic program; get involved in student organizations, leadership opportunities, and campus jobs and internships
Life as a student can be so challenging I remember when I was doing my first degree I had to battle with not giving up because I had issues with finance. My late mum advised me then to never give up that each stages of life comes with their challenges.
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
Actually school or i call it institutions are the stages of exposure.. it gives you the opportunity to meet people that are not even from your environment with different mentality
The only act I don't learn in school is how to maintain friendship and now I am deeply regretting it because there are times I will be missing my classmates but nowhere to be found.
Student life is one of the year sweet and funny life I have ever lived, student life is sometimes a gift and a time in which you can use to shape your future
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
As a student, sometimes you are left with a dilemma of either getting good grades or involving in some hustling that would generate you money. It's really not that easy at all.
I'm through with my education long time, this year will make it 9 years since i finished my university. It was fun those years being with my buddies having good time, and also being together during hard times.
People who have not tasted student life especially a broke student do not know how difficult it is, you have to struggle to the extent that you feel like giving up. But in all we scaled through.
Student life is to many including me one of the unforgettable memories of life. It has taught a lot how to interact with people . and as lo some basic skills that you need in life too.

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