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Student life

About student life..

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    Votes: 4 22.2%
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    Votes: 14 77.8%

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Yes students life is one of the best parts of life I've ever experienced; and I tell you the experience worth it. My high school days is what I cannot forget in a hurry.
That's very true because it's during these stage that you tend to learn lots of things about life - studying a course in school, meeting friends from various backgrounds and have various experiences together, this period must be well taken care of without mistakes because it seem to be one of the prime moments of life.
Been a student is a phase of life where you experience a lot of things that either shaping you for good or for bad, in this you meet all kinds of persons good and bad and you also experience the good, the ugly and wonderful experiences
student Life is beautiful,I am a student also and I appreciate it been a student,to be a student means allot of things,you will know how to associate and mingle with people.
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
The student phase of my life was indeed an experience.
It was a time to blend in with people from different works of life, different mindsets and cultures. It remains a memorable time of life.
The student phase of my life was indeed an experience.
It was a time to blend in with people from different works of life, different mindsets and cultures. It remains a memorable time of life.
Indeed, the school is a meeting point for all kinds of persons with various beliefs, traditions, customs and mindset. Do you think your association with these people affected you in a positive way?
Indeed, the school is a meeting point for all kinds of persons with various beliefs, traditions, customs and mindset. Do you think your association with these people affected you in a positive way?
It did. Most of my friends were females who though from the same state were from different ethnic groups, most culinary variations I use today is based on what I learnt from them.
Been a student then has been a part of my life that has built me in way that I has taught me a lot of things, impacted me, help me to meet different kind of people, handle issues and situations and many things
Student life is a very beautiful but crucial phase on our lives because most of the decisions or results we get might affect our future either positively or negatively.
Well student Life is actually sweet but on the other hand it is never easy because you have to learn one way or the other on how to juggle your responsibilities with the studying and most people always tend to get carried away
Being a student enables one to have good experience. We are able to socialize as students. We meet people from different background, location and countries.
Living on campus puts you right in the center of all the action—just steps away from classes, recreation, dining and entertainment
You're right about what you've said. Being a student ain't that easy as it's a time in our lives that you'd be faced with so much challenges but the truth is that, that's the time we get to be reformed and also learn so many things both academically, socially and otherwise.
Educatiin is the best gift a parent can pass down to his children and student life is the most entertaining life mixed with pleasure , fun and sometimes stress , and the activities in schools makes it competitive.
Students lives in the campus comes with different experience and fun. The students often get carried away by the present activities in the school. And this is one of the best time to start a part-time business. The light of Jeff bezos make use of this site to create a world class businesses.
Student life is like the fun part of our lives we are young and in the midst of people who have like minds, to learn and have fun which makes it all the more interesting at a youthful age.
Educatiin is the best gift a parent can pass down to his children and student life is the most entertaining life mixed with pleasure , fun and sometimes stress , and the activities in schools makes it competitive.
You did mistake in writing the education correctly in your comment. Correct it now so as to avoid getting penalized from it. It is the fun part and entertainment that makes the stress less visible in the life of student.
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
The one good thing about student life is that you don't really have any responsibility that worries you too much apart from your studies which is why a lot of them are not really that serious when they're in school.
Student life is the most beautiful part of our life where we learn a lot and we learn how to tackle our problems nd we also makes fun with buddies i think so it's the golden time to polish ourselves for future life....
As a student's the only thing that is your major concern is actually getting better grades from your studies because it is what determines how your future is going to be positioned when you graduate from the University.
Being a student is of great thing which you have to learn a lot from and also unlearn a lot from also. It's in a student level that you will learn how to live like a man and start catering for your needs and be responsible. Student life very good.
How I wish one could remain young and be a student forever. I would always remember my students days which was very interesting but now we have to be a man with responsibilities
Student life is one of the most unforgettable experience in life that one will always cherish for eternity because its a different life on its own , most of the time , you will feel like not leaving school because of the joy.
Yes students life is one of the best parts of life I've ever experienced; and I tell you the experience worth it. My high school days is what I cannot forget in a hurry.

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