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Strangest Animal

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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Jul 20, 2016
What do you think is the most ridiculous animal on the planet?

Venezuelan Poodle Moth gets my vote for being pretty ridiculous!
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These incredible birds, endemic to the Galapagos Islands, boast wingspans of nearly two and a half metres and have been spotted flying as high as 2,500 metres above sea level.

They are sometimes called ‘man-o’-war’ birds, because they like to attack other birds while they’re flying and even try to steal their food on occasion.

What makes these birds truly strange, though, is the big red sac the males have on their chests, which they balloon up to try to attract a mate.

I think Pangolins are the strangest animals cople with the fact that they are the only known mammal with scales. Their habitat covers parts of Central and West Africa, India and Southeast Asia. When threatened by predators, pangolins roll up into a defensive ball, protected by their armor-like coating of keratin scales. Sadly, these insectivores are one of the most illegally trafficked mammals in the world. Their scales are thought to have medicinal powers in parts of Asia, and though an international ban exists on their trade, the numbers of wild pangolin have dropped drastically as a result of poaching.
The owl is one animal that I will never get over it's rediculous nature because of its strange head and it's ability to rotate it's head 180degress.
In my opinion flies are the strangest, they are flying around eating whatever can be eaten and keep annoying human beings by landing on their body which might be itching and uncomfortable. I don't understand their way of life and I don't feel any empathy for them. They even see life in a slow motion so technically I think that their lives are boring and pointless and I definitely wouldn't want to become a fly one day...
Even the smallest moment when you are on the bus and a fly appears on your nose can be annoying, and I really don't understand why they are so annoying....

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