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Singing in the car


Familiar Face
May 14, 2011
Have you ever been singing in the car and purposefully avoided looking at the people to your left or right at a stoplight or do you just embrace it because they're the ones freaked out and you're just having a good time?
I am pretty much about to get my learner driver's license. I think I'd probably be a mixture. I can forget the world and sing my heart out then realize that I am at a stoplight and anyone could be seeing me and shy away and avoid accidental eye contact, hahaha.

That being said, I like how the second choice you offer sounds. Might as well embrace it and enjoy yourself, haha. It's not like you are intruding or anything. Maybe you even lighten their mood, haha.
I don't think I would get embarrassed when I sing songs in my car, I hate that thought of "oh no people are watching me what will they think about me?" I seriously stopped to think that way because I'm tired of it people should respect me as I am just like I respect them, if you live in a society that always cares what the other one is thinking then this society is messed up in my opinion. If I'm having a good time singing songs in my car then I don't mind others to see how happy I am, we should stay happy because life is tought and that is one of the only ways to go thought it. There might be people who are jealous of your happiness but those people aren't even worth a thought. I think that listening to songs in a car at night is a very good experience of mine and I will definitely keep doing it once I get my own car.
If it's in a public transportation, it is going to be very difficult for me to be singing out loud in the bus because it is going to be some sort of distraction and disturbance for others in the same transportation vehicle. But if it happens to be that I am driving my own car and my glasses wined down, I don't really mind singing out loud whichever way I feel like and that is not anyone's business.

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