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Service to the nation

In many countries of the world when youths get to a certain age they are drafted to serve the nation compulsorily for one year,son heung min and Mohammed Salah were affected by this too. In Nigeria a driver slept off while transporting fresh college graduates to another state to serve the nation and it resulted in the death of some of them.
Is service to the nation really necessary?
Saving a nation that appreciate the citizens is very important and it matters I'm sorry I can't say the same thing for nigeria, they don't care if you serve them or not or die by it....remember a minister said very soon they will be taking youth corpers to go fight terrorist...think twice.
Public services make the state visible to its citizens, often forming the principal tangible link between governments and their people. Public services carry and diffuse the values of the new nations and contribute to the bonding between the state and citizens.
In many countries of the world when youths get to a certain age they are drafted to serve the nation compulsorily for one year,son heung min and Mohammed Salah were affected by this too. In Nigeria a driver slept off while transporting fresh college graduates to another state to serve the nation and it resulted in the death of some of them.
Is service to the nation really necessary?
I can't say.
If the country says it is obligatory... There's nothing we can do about it.
Those who are uncomfortable with where they are posted to are allowed to redeploy.
In many countries of the world when youths get to a certain age they are drafted to serve the nation compulsorily for one year,son heung min and Mohammed Salah were affected by this too. In Nigeria a driver slept off while transporting fresh college graduates to another state to serve the nation and it resulted in the death of some of them.
Is service to the nation really necessary?
It's very necessary and important,until you have that exposure before you will be able to understand how things work, people can stay at a spot and conclude until they see from another angle.
Serving the nation at whatever capacity you are choosen to do so is something that is like fun to most people. It might not be fun to some persons, but it is going to be fun for the most number of the youths you'll ask about this
Service to the nation isn't a bad notion but the thing is, required or strategic steps are not always being put in place to avoid unforseen circumstances.
If you are referring to Nigeria, then you have to always consider the responsibility level of the Government. Many a time they have been warned that youths should not be posted to far away States due to the insecurity and transportation risks ,yet no changes. The youth service in Nigeria has lost its benefits. If there is going to be any national service, we can always have a short service within the military, probably 7 months on one condition- the children of the politicians must also be involved.
Service to the nation is very important but it should not be made compulsory. An individual should have a choice of not partaking in any service or action against his choice due to his personal reason.
Service to the nation is very important and it's one of the major determining factor that move a nation forward. If the members of the country are not ready to serve the country an outsider won't do that for them.
Of course, in countries like South Korea, once you're up to the age of 27 or so, you're to do a mandatory two year service in the military as a way of giving to them or serving them.
This is usually done in the spirit of fostering love for the country and encouraging unity.
In many countries of the world when youths get to a certain age they are drafted to serve the nation compulsorily for one year,son heung min and Mohammed Salah were affected by this too. In Nigeria a driver slept off while transporting fresh college graduates to another state to serve the nation and it resulted in the death of some of them.
Is service to the nation really necessary?
I would rather serve myself than serve the nation in my situation because my country have lost its purpose as the government is only taking care of itself or getting the citizens sufferings.
Well I won't say it's a bad idea just that the process behind them may not always be the best especially in Nigeria here where little regard is placed on the safety and development of those involved
In some ways we all are serving the nation. I am not employed in government agency, I am not a police or an army, but still by paying tax I am doing service to the nation.
For the part of paying taxes is something that everyone is doing in this useless country code Nigeria because you cannot be able to avoid it as everything you do is always taxed.
Service to the nation is important and this actually depends on why the nation set up the service to their nation. In the case of Nigerian NYSC, the scheme has outlived it's usefulness and terrible
I believe this program called NYSC should be canceled by the federal government because there is nothing good that comes out of it and the money that they pay the graduates should be given to them in a lump sum so they can start up something with it.
As a youth that I am I can only enjoy doing this in a well-developed country but not necessarily in my country because of high rate of corruption and so many other things like bad leadership.
It is necessary because it helps youth from different part of the countries to Unite and come together for a period of time, while sharing ideas on necessary things they will be needing.
That's devoting one year of service to serve the country and show them what you got. I did just that in 2013, and the experience was worth it.
The devoted one year of the NYSC in which you serve your country ahould be done with utmost respect and dedication to your for training you to be better person in the school
Well in my country the service is not that good because the treatment there is sucks, they treat you as a robot and not as a human being. When you are late you get punished but when they are late its completely fine and understandble. My service is the army and in Israel every boy and girl have to serve the army for a few years and that period is very tough and not comfortable. I hate the fact that it is a mandatory because not everyone was born to be in a an army and it's not fair for everyone. The last time I've been to a test for the army I've suffered from a very bad treatment, they didn't explain things as they are supposed to, and the funny thing is that my friend helped me more than the female worker who is working there.
Service to the nation in my home country is not worth it because you are going to get almost nothing in return. I would rather channel my energy and resources to charity than to work for my country.
Though service to the nation by serving your country is good but actually there's nothing you are going to gain there actually , the money you will be getting there is just for feeding , so instead its better channelling your energy and starting your own business.
Those people did not die because they went to save the nation , just that there is high rate of insecurity in the country. There is nothing wrong with that if I can save the nation and return safely because as I understand Nigeria is not Worth dying For..

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