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Pro-life or Pro-choice?


Resident Member
500 Posts Club
Jun 8, 2020
I'm 100% pro-choice for the woman. It's her body, her choice, her rules and her decision to make to have babies or not, not anyone else's. I personally hate and can't stand kids and toddlers at all TBH. I've been around my baby cousins enough to know that they are very demanding and require a lot of attention, money, food, clothes and etc to raise, which is a responsibility I don't want for myself. I won't ever take another man or woman's package either myself. I love my independence and freedom way too much to waste it on other human beings personally at least anyways. I don't want a life partner (man or woman) or kids, for I myself. And I stand corrected for life at least for me personally anyways. How about you? Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Do you want kids or not for you personally? Do you want a life partner (man or woman, both and/or marriage) personally?
I'm staunchly pro-life because the baby is not the mother. The baby is growing inside the mother, but he/she has a distinct DNA separate from the mother. The baby is alive and science is proving that daily as it advances. We now know that babies in the womb feel pain by a certain week, which wasn't known when Roe v Wade was decided.
I am pro-choice. I believe that it's not my place to tell another person what to do with their body, but I do want them to make an informed decision about their future.

I don't want kids for me personally, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect your decision if you do. It's your body, and you should be able to decide what happens with it.

I don't have a life partner (man or woman) personally, but if I did, I'd expect them to be open-minded about my choices and support me through them.

This applies in real life situations because if someone is being pressured into having an abortion by their family members or partner, they should know they have options and support available if they need it.

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