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Playing with a set that isn't yours


Up-and-Coming Sensation
100 Posts Club
Nov 23, 2016
Something that stopped me from picking up the guitar again after I came to Australia was that I left my guitar in Mexico. Even though my friend and roommate was kind enough to say I could borrow his I never felt comfortable to pick it up, and because he already had like 4 guitars in the room I didn't think to buy an extra one was a good idea at the time of sharing space, haha.

I am just too nervous about damaging other people's property and yet I am afraid to commit to a big expense because I haven't fiddled with something enough to know for sure I like it enough to commit. Haha.

that said guitars are easier to pick up, I was wondering if different drum setups could really catch someone off-guard and make them uncomfortable playing a set that isn't theirs.

So, how about you?
How comfortable and how easy do you find yourself playing something that doesn't belong to you?
Other people's stuff isn't a big deal. Well, most stuff is set-up similar - and what's different can be easily learned.

I was wondering if different drum setups could really catch someone off-guard and make them uncomfortable playing a set that isn't theirs.

An exception could be double-bass drums (or a double bass pedal on a regular set). If someone can't play the genre - then they'd be caught off-guard.
I prefer to play with my own drum-set as it feels more comfortable to me, but this is not always possible during a live concert. When promoters decide to organise the backline, each drummer usually brings their own toms. I like this as I can hit them as hard as I want, without the fear of breaking someone else's equipment. But sharing the bass drum is stressful and I hate providing it, as I do not feel comfortable with others using my equipment.
I have always wished I know how to play at least one musical instrument, I have invested my time alsoin learning on how to play the piano/keyboard but it has not seemed to work well for me I also tried Learning the bass guitar and lead guitar but I have not yet learnt well.

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