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Oldest person you know

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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5000+ Posts Club
Jul 20, 2016
Who is the oldest person you know? What do you know about their life?
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LoL the oldest person I know is my mom and of cause my siblings, I grew up with them. I have come to learn alot form my mom's life style, some of which includes the importance of giving and helping out when you can, and being good to others.
The oldest person I know is my pastor ,he is around 80 years and still doing well like the man in 50,he is a perworful man of God . and with a good qualities and potential
The oldest person i knew was my grandmother. She is late now though. She was over seventy years old. She was a very funny person always making us her grandchildren laugh, she would tell us stories from when she was younger.
The oldest person I know
The oldest person I know is my pastor ,he is around 80 years and still doing well like the man in 50,he is a perworful man of God . and with a good qualities and potential
The oldest person I have ever known is also my pastor. He is around the age of 80 too but he is still strong and healthy he is also my mentor.
The oldest person I know is my grandfather who is such a generous soul, I remember his character as someone who always driving me to school, home and anywhere I needed, a one who always bought me what I need and like as of a mobile phone, Legos, food he was always taking care of me and my needs.
unfortunatrly he is having a bad time with health (heart issues) so I hope he will be fine I don't want to lose him :(.
Who is the oldest person you know? What do you know about their life?
My grandpa that is right now not alive. They died when they were 100 years old and I was pretty young when it happend. If I remember correctly he loved animals and he loved gardening. He also cared alot about his family and always helped others in need.
One of the oldest person I know is my neighbor. I know it sounds funny, but it's true I am an introvert and really interact with others since I know my neighbor since the time I was born I can say they are the oldest known person to me till now.
the oldest person I know is my Grandfather, he is 79 years old now. he is funny and great guy xD
The oldest person I know is a man in my church. This man is already in his ninety and he is still strong. He is a teacher in children department in my church. He speak clearly, walk perfectly, read book audibly, preach eloquently and importantly, this man still drive his car at ninety.
The oldest person I know is my grandmother, who is 96 years old. She lives in a retirement home near me, and I go to see her every week.

She used to be a teacher at the local elementary school, and she taught me how to read when I was four years old. She told me stories about the time she lived in Russia when the Nazis invaded during World War II. She still has nightmares about those times...

One thing that really stands out about her is how well she takes care of herself—she's always eating healthy food and exercising every day. She never misses a day of yoga! It's inspiring to see how much energy she has for life at her age.

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