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Living in Retirement Communities

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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Jul 20, 2016
There comes a point in life, where as people retire, they decide whether or not they would like to live in a retirement community when they retire. If you have retired already, have you decided if you wanted to make a move into one? Care to explain why the decision was made either way?
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Well, In my region it is actually the responsibility of the family to take care their old ones during their retirement age and thus there is little or no reason for them to be interested in living in a retirement community as at that moment they become the full responsibility of their family members when they get too old to do anything, Though they could still be receiving their pensions.
There's no place like home. As the person grew older, they became more sensitive and sentimental. Everyone wants to spend the rest of their life with their family.
Here in my country the retired ones have no other place expect their home they cannot move from their homes, so their family member take good care of them without going to another place.
It depends on job, actually. There are some job that don't give you chance to stay in one place. While there are some that allow you to stay in one location all through. If I retire at a location where I have spent like 20 years, I will surely stay there after my retirement.
Well in my country,it is not a common thing to have a communty of retired workers,it is not something that is in the plan of the government,what they do is to pay you your severance benefits and gratuity.
I plan to utilise the early days of my retirement to travel around the world. Retirement communities is actually very boring because it's just contains people who are mostly in this and that is what I do not like .
Well there are some retirees that once they retired they love staying at where they retired because they were already used to the environment since and will not like to go back to there hometown.
I haven't retired yet and I wouldn't fancy that option. I'll rather spend my time with my kids and grandchildren, see a lot of natural places, travel and volunteer. These are more therapeutic in nature.
The elderly in my country are unable to leave their homes and have nowhere else to go, so their family members take good care of them without them moving.
It depends on job, actually. There are some job that don't give you chance to stay in one place. While there are some that allow you to stay in one location all through. If I retire at a location where I have spent like 20 years, I will surely stay there after my retirement.
One thing about the issue of retirement after active service is that most persons would find it very difficult to adapt in another area different from where they have been staying all their lives.
I do not have any intention to live among old people who have nothing to do except complain about their kids or be nostalgic for their youth. When I am ready to retire, I plan to go to live in a countryside.
this is a very beautiful concept, i say so because it is not in my country or at least i have not heard of it that there is a community for people that have retired, i hope to initiate one in the future.

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