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Knowledge is the highest capital

Is knowledge capital

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What we live in and enjoy of what God has provided is limited by our knowledge of it. We can only live in what we know. We can only prosper to the degree our souls prosper. We can only live in the perfect will of God to the degree our minds are renewed to know it and apply it. We can live like God only to the degree that we THINK like God.
Knowledge capital is the intangible value of an organization made up of its knowledge, relationships, learned techniques, procedures, and innovations. In other words, knowledge capital is the full body of knowledge an organization possesses.
Knowledge is obviously the highest capital. Amateurs dont get paid but professionals do. If you are not able to read at least five books needed to survive in a business you have obviously failed. Thats the reason why failure is dominant.
If we can see people like bill gate etc in our society,because of knowledge and his mindset made him what he is now,knowledge is the key word to a successful business man.
If you ask me, knowledge is the highest form of capital one can acquire. I am saying this because if you don't have even the knowledge on how to use a capital, you can use it wrongly. So the power of knowledge can not be overemphasized.
To many people, the only reason they haven't been able to bring their ideas to reality is lack of money which they call capital, but capital is not only money, knowledge is also capital, in fact knowledge is the highest capital and not money.
knowledge is a first thing to understand first and it will also make a uniqe person on many .if you have knowledge of a thinf most then it is more benificel.
As much as I agree with the fact that knowledge is very important, we can not put aside capital, in fact, they should be placed side by side. What is the use of an idea or knowledge with no capital to build it? Just the same way you can equally squander your capital without sound knowledge and ideas.
Money definitely is the highest capital, then knowledge of the proposed business and management skills. Knowledge without money for establishment of business will definitely take one nowhere but as far as cash is available then knowledge of implementation and cash usage comes next, from there success comes in.
Knowledge is very important in every sphere of life, one of the major factors that affects business is knowledge. If you don't have adequate knowledge of the business you wish to get into, then it will be difficult for you to succeed in the business. So knowledge is key to a successful business.
They are all very important in business, both knowledge and money. Without knowledge of a business, it is likely to fail or rather be delayed and not reach it's full potential within the stilulatated time. So they all play their individuals roles in the success of a business.
Your understanding of what customers want, combined with your employees' know-how, can be regarded as your knowledge base. Using this knowledge in the right way can help you run your business more efficiently, decrease business risks and exploit opportunities to the full. This is known as the knowledge advantage.
Their is a proverb that have stayed on, for years now. Saying "knowledge is wealth. That's true, such nothing comes from the above. You don't obtain it from highest level of education. That's why they tell you, not all who wen to school will become rich, but some will and others might not. But if you're knowledgeable enough, apply wisdom, and work hard, surely you'll be financially buoyant.
When it comes to the aspect of knowledge and capital, both can make u make significant strides in business. From the 100 dollar startup ideas, I have grown to understand that you just need a very strong idea that solves pain points for you to be in path to create the next big thing hut you still need capital no matter how small to scale.
This is true because most times when you don't have a capital , you could sell your knowledge and get more capital to start and fund your business properly. Its a benefit
Yes knowledge is the best capital for a business. This is because with all the large amount of money one may have to start up a business but having no knowledge on how to plan and start up the business, definitely the money will go to waste.
I totally agree with the fact that knowledge is the greatest capital. You only need the knowledge at first even before you'll source for the money because if you have the money without knowledge, you've failed even before you're starting
it may be true that knowledge is the highest capital everyone's business need but the fact is that knowledge is not all the capital you need in your business money must be involved.
To many people, the only reason they haven't been able to bring their ideas to reality is lack of money which they call capital, but capital is not only money, knowledge is also capital, in fact knowledge is the highest capital and not money.
Capital is one of the factors of production in entrepreneurship which is not limited to only money but also ideas in form of knowledge. So knowledge can be regarded as capital as it is crucial in starting a business.
This is really true, knowledge is the most important thing before venturing into any business. Without knowledge every other things will not be used at their best or even become useless as you need knowledge to drive, control, plan and direct other aspect of the business.
Organizations and businesses who wish to succeed in today's world must be able to learn. That necessitates acknowledging that they are not perfect and that they must strive to improve in order to help their employees develop. As a result, modern businesses must understand the importance of continuous improvement and seek out ways to be recognised.

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