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Knowledge is the highest capital

Is knowledge capital

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Yes I am choosing knowledge as the higher capital simply because if you dint have any knowledge about a business and you decided to rush into the business without doing your research, you will surely regret it.
Yes I am choosing knowledge as the higher capital simply because if you dint have any knowledge about a business and you decided to rush into the business without doing your research, you will surely regret it.
There is a saying here that you can steal anything from a person except his knowledge. That goes to show the importance of education in school and in other learning institutions. Even the learning that we get in the work experience is part of our knowledge.
Knowledge is a capital indeed. Knowledge in itself cannot make you the money or wealth though, it is the real money you have that makes you wealthy.
It is true that knowledge contributes greatly to a business and its success. But knowledge alone will not work, it must be accompanied by courage, perseverance, good mindset towards business, and focus. For sure you will succeed in the business you choose if those qualities are in you.
These other things you mentioned now is actually because you have the knowledge that they are also needed in the business. And to be able to apply them one would need wisdom. And like they say, wisdom is knowledge applied. So all in all, it all boils down to you having the knowledge of what needs to be down and the kind of mindset to achieve this and cause actually putting it in practice
Knowledge is power. With it you do a lot things as Well as achieve a lot of things. You can't destroy knowledge but can can destroy wealth you created
Knowledge is power. With it you do a lot things as Well as achieve a lot of things. You can't destroy knowledge but can can destroy wealth you created
I liked your comment. Its because its true. Knowledge is powerful. Just use knowledge for the good of everyone.
It is true that knowledge contributes greatly to a business and its success. But knowledge alone will not work, it must be accompanied by courage, perseverance, good mindset towards business, and focus. For sure you will succeed in the business you choose if those qualities are in you.
Yes I agree with the statement that number is the highest capital because if you have the money and you do not have an idea you can start up anything the knowledge which is the idea is the highest capital and tools you need.
Knowledge is not the highest capital when you're starting a business because capital is the main issue when you're starting up a business, without money your knowledge in business will absolutely be useless.
I believe knowledge is capital and is also an asset.you can list the physical asset but what you know is inside your head and you cannot lost it.if you list the physical asset the information you have will help you to bounce back.knowledge is power.
No matter the amount of money at the disposal of any entreprenuer,the capacity to drive the ideals of the business will be carried out by persons or group of persons,and human capacity and their ability to perform is one of the greatest assets needed to make this vision come true.
I agree totally with that. Capital is definitely the highest capital. If you have the money to start a business without the requisite knowledge, failure is looming. You really need to acquire knowledge about the business first
Knowledge is an investment that must be nurtured, improved and applied rightly to avoid it's erosion. It has a half life and so must be continually worked on. It's as important as monetary capital.
It is true that knowledge contributes greatly to a business and its success. But knowledge alone will not work, it must be accompanied by courage, perseverance, good mindset towards business, and focus. For sure you will succeed in the business you choose if those qualities are in you.
I agree with you that knowledge can be the highest capital in any business because no matter how much financial Capital you have if you do not have knowledge about the business that business may crumble
Yes of course starting up a business or managing finance you require intellect in order to control and handle situations that will pop up in your day to day activities
Knowledge is the highest capital because it drives all other functions of a business, without knowledge, it will be very difficult for a business to progress and be successful.
Knowledge is the highest capital because it drives all other functions of a business, without knowledge, it will be very difficult for a business to progress and be successful.
For me I believe that capital is the highest thing that one really needs to place as a top priority when thinking of engaging in any business, because obviously without money your knowledge is useless.
I have come to think and Eason along that line of thought too that knowledge is the highest form of capital one should have. With the knowledge one has, he or she can go a very long distance to do so many things
Knowledge is such a great asset indeed. With it, you can do so much and produce good results. In fact when starting a business, you need good knowledge on the products or services you will be selling.
Of knowledge play an important role in a business because without knowledge of the business it can not stand, you will just be doing trials and errors before you succeed.
Knowledge is indeed the greatest capital. However, without implementation of that knowledge, you cannot expect the good results. You must apply the knowledge which you possess and be practical when it comes to the knowledge you possess.
For me I believe that capital is the highest thing that one really needs to place as a top priority when thinking of engaging in any business, because obviously without money your knowledge is useless.
Before you have the capital, you must have had something in mind that you want to use the money for. You generate or formulate ideas through knowledge, without it, all other business resources are useless.

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