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is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?

It is possible for a business to survive after the owner's death if the business is transferred to one who shares the same vision and mission statement.
It's very possible for a business to survive after the founders death. But the person who will handle the business must be resilient he or she must give the business his good attention.
Yes it's very possible for a business to grow or continue growing after the demise of the owner it's all depends on the hand it's fall on I mean the person it's was handed over to if the person is good with the business it will work well if not it might not result well
It can be possible for a business to survive after the owner is death someone capable can pitch up the business, and start from where the owner stop.
A business that can't operate without its founder is a business with a deadline. Many businesses suffer after founder's death, and it is often caused by the founder being unable to let go of certain decisions and responsibilities as the business grows. Over dependency is something common in sole proprietorship.

is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?
In most cases, the death of the business owner marks the untimely death of the business.
Other times, family members or partners can make the business survive by taking over it's affairs.
It is very possible for a business to survive after the demise of its owner. If the owner had appointed a manager or trained one of his sons to also manage the business, then the person can possibly take over to continue the management.
Majority of the business crumbles once the owner is dead but it is possible for the business to continue if there is a solid system behind the business. The system will sustain the business existence. This is how most of the world oldest businesses survive.
It is very much possible if the family will decide to take over the business and I believe that is just the only way the business and be successful, but if the family do not have interest in the business obviously the business may not likely to withstand the age of Time.
Yes it is very possible and it all depends on the person that succeds the person that passed away or most times before a person passes away they sometimes will their things or businesses to orphanage
A business that can't operate without its founder is a business with a deadline. Many businesses suffer after founder's death, and it is often caused by the founder being unable to let go of certain decisions and responsibilities as the business grows. Over dependency is something common in sole proprietorship.

is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?

yes, it is possible for the business to go after the owner dies ... sometimes even better, but it matters a lot in whose hands the business will come. if it doesn't stay with anyone, it won't last.
A business that can't operate without its founder is a business with a deadline. Many businesses suffer after founder's death, and it is often caused by the founder being unable to let go of certain decisions and responsibilities as the business grows. Over dependency is something common in sole proprietorship.

is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?
Some businesses do, others do not.
I think if the business had stakeholders, it will be possible for the business to thrive on.
A sole proprietorship may not survive after the owner's death.
Definitely yes, a business can definitely survive after the death of the owner only if the business is being run by a good , perfect and a business oriented leader that can restructure the company.
A business can survive after the owner's death if he trained someone who can takeover the business in his absence. That is why it's good to train others.
There are different kinds of business tho. A business continuing to exist after the death of the owners all depends on the type of business you're running. If it's a sole proprietorship, the business will most likely come to an end instantly the owner dies
Yes, it is possible for a business to survive after the death of the rightful owner of the business. the business can be taking over by either his children or child, his wife and to some extent they can even perform even more better than their father or their husband. I have come across such business which was handled by the child after the death of his father.
Some businesses do, others do not.
I think if the business had stakeholders, it will be possible for the business to thrive on.
A sole proprietorship may not survive after the owner's death.
For sure.
It is difficult for a business that was owned and run by just the owner to thrive on after the death of the owner. If it was a partnership, possibility exists that the business may thrive.
Yes, it's possible and there is a very high level of possibility that a business can survive even after the death of the owner. some of the business are Been managed and control by their next of kin which may happen to be better than his father.
A business that can't operate without its founder is a business with a deadline. Many businesses suffer after founder's death, and it is often caused by the founder being unable to let go of certain decisions and responsibilities as the business grows. Over dependency is something common in sole proprietorship.

is it possible for a business to survive after owners death?
This is actually why it is been advised that you set up your business in such a way that it operates with a structure which can always enable another person to fit in as the business head and the business will run smoothly without having to depend on the initial owner or starter of the business.
It's very possible. But it all depends on the visions of the person the business is willed to. I think those business succeeds on rare occasions from my one experience

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