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How often should you go on Vacation? (holiday abroad)

vacation is a necessity for stress and you've been working so hard it wouldn't cause any harm to take days off to regain your lost energy.
Going on vacation once a year will be helpful in relieving stress and stress related issues. Taking a vacation that includes health boosting activities such as walking, seeing nature will be the best.
Well for me as far you have the resources you can then go As much as your current job would permit and the amount of money you have to spare for a vacation. A vacation is a good way to cool of stress and you've been working so hard it wouldn't cause any harm to take days off to rejuvenate your lost energy and time.
As much as your current employment would allow and how much cash you had set aside for a trip. You've been working so hard that taking a few days off wouldn't hurt, and a trip is a great way to relieve tension.
Mostly go on vacation for a short period when being free or wanting to go have a good time with my family that is when I go on vacation and it fun to go on vacation also
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Sorry for the late reply, but I’d like to chime in and say that dealing with work stress can really take a toll on us, and taking a vacation is a great way to unwind and recharge. If money and time off work were no obstacles, my dream vacation would be an exotic trip to Tanzania for an unforgettable safari experience with wild animals. Just imagine being surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature and getting up close and personal with magnificent creatures. And I’ve already found some great tours at https://altezza.travel/en/tanzania-safari. I must say, they have some amazing packages and options to explore. In an ideal world, it would be amazing if employees could take a break abroad at least once or twice a year.
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I would say as much as you need or want to. If you can afford to have a vacation, go on holiday or whatever else, I say go for it. If I had the money, I'd travel the world, go on vacation more and so on. But it's not as easy for me. I make a good living, but it could be better.

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