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How often do you help people financially?

I do help people with financial need sometimes when I feel the need to help them. But I have to do this with a planned budget for it and not something I just have to keep doing randomly and frequently without a plan for it
I assist anyone financially whenever I being asked to help, that's if I'm financially stable as well during the given period.
I just realized that most of the money I earn is not put into use for my personal needs. I easily give out to people who ask me, and I'm beginning to think this is not a good thing because I hardly save some money for myself or invest in some profitable schemes.
More than 50per cent of what I earned on forums in the last two months have been given out?
What advise do you have for me?
You know yourself more than anyone else would.
Check your finances... If you are spending more than you earn, I think it is time you retraced your steps.
It's good t help people because you don't know how tomorrow might be because you don't know if the person you're helping today will be the one helping you tomorrow, so I help people in the way that I can
I just realized that most of the money I earn is not put into use for my personal needs. I easily give out to people who ask me, and I'm beginning to think this is not a good thing because I hardly save some money for myself or invest in some profitable schemes.
More than 50per cent of what I earned on forums in the last two months have been given out?
What advise do you have for me?
I help people as much as I am blessed to do so. You do not need to have millions before you help someone. As little as airtime it is enough to put a smile on someone's face.
Giving shouldn't have season, in my opinion.
It's a good thing to be a giver, especially being a cheerful giver. But when giving you must not give too much, so that it won't affect you.
There is nothing wrong in giving out at intervals but make sure you don't have to make yourself inconvenient at all times. Do make sure to also satisfy your very important needs while you give out also, there must be a balance. Asides giving out, make sure you are also saving enough money to invest so as to get multiple income sources to prevent you from lacking.
Giving is not a bad thing but I feel we don't have to displease ourselves in other to please others. I feel we should give but also save and when we don't have, we shouldn't be scared of saying so instead of going out of our way for the sake of helping.
If I can justify myself reason for lending any kind of financial help to anyone, then it's something that I can be willing to do but once it can't be justified, I won't.
giving money out to people in need is nice. forget all the strees you've been through to get that money, remember givers never lack, when you give money to the needy many open doors will come your way.
I help you people financially with a little money I have.i use to pity people that need help sometimes and I advised most of them and introduce them to the person that assist needies
Helping people financially is good but not shoulf be extended to the stage that you wouldn't be able to save dime though it is good to be generous but you have to have saving
I always try to best to be of financial assistance to others in need of it. Even if I do not give for free some times, I still lend people money and give them very flexible methods for repayment whenever they have.
I don't help people financially so often these days. This is because I have learnt the hard way. People will want you to help them but never pay you back. Some really promise that they will but they don't. So I choose to just say that I don't have the money.
Helping people financially is a great deed, but one that should be done really carefully. You should only help when you are stable enough and an amount that you can afford to loose.
Some people always take advantage of the help they get from people by making a habit of always calling to ask for help because they believe that they can get it.
Right now my own financial conditions are really poor, but I really do intend to help people in the future. Right now I am going through bad times, but I really hope that good times will also come. Inshallah. I donate sometimes to poor people in the local mosque.
It is a good thing to be generous but then you also have to consider yourself,and that is where management comes in so I'll advise that you divide the money so you won't end up giving It all out
Inshallah. By the will of Allah Almighty, I will give donations to poor once I get rich. i live in a country where inflation rate is very high and there are many unemployed people who desperately need help.
I stop helping people financially , cause that doesn't reflect a good habit if you want to save money . I am sure that some of people don't return the money .

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