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How often do you help people financially?

This is not to brag but just a while ago I sent $20 to our former housemaid who got married and now has a baby. She is experiencing heavy financial burdens because her husband is working on a part time basis only due to the pandemic. I hope they can recover soon because the baby is not 1 month old yet.
I always wished to help people financially and I will definitely help people once I reach my goals. Earning money is very hard and this is why many people are just not able to make money and rely on donations. I also want to help widow women and orphan children.
You are indeed a good person. It's because you have a heart to help widow women and orphan children. It's good to know that you desire to help a lot of people financially after you reach your goal.
Exactly, if you keep on giving people money or financial help on the Liberty she will keep on making them to be hundred percent dependent on you but if you show them how to make money for themselves that will fetch them more opportunities to make money for themselves.
That is how it is, but some people are just to complacent, they are comfortable with their lifestyle and don't see any harm in relying on someone for assistance all the time, how would you handle that
I help people financially. I have helped my friends to start a business by lending money without charging any interest. Some of my friends who burrowed from me are now successful business man
As long as the power and the money is there I will always help people without look at the frequency of how much i have given out.
I help people as often as I can within me sometimes. But i also look at my financial standing per time before doing this most times so as not to be doing it wrongly at the expense of my survival for likelihood
That's a good mindset. One of my mentors always tells me that I can only really help others when I'm comfortable myself. Once I have fulfilled the most basic necessities for life, I do give out though, even if it's not much.
I help people financially when I see there are really in need of finance but the best way to help an individual yes to teach him how to fish not to give him fish.
I do help people financially mostly when I'm in a good position to help but i don't help someone to maintain his extravagant lifestyle.
This is the era where people don't have humanity. In our country India , they don't care even if you are dead lying on the road. Such is our country, so most of the rich people or those who have money don't like to share anything with anyone. I don't know the situation in other countries.
As for me there is no fixed interval or amount , I help people whenever I am disposed to do so. Givers never lack and this has been my strong believe
You are indeed a good person. It's because you have a heart to help widow women and orphan children. It's good to know that you desire to help a lot of people financially after you reach your goal.

Thanks! I appreciate your kind comments. I do want to help the poor people, and I will certainly do this when I will become financially stable. On the other hand, there are many people who do not help the poor, unfortuantely. Poverty is one of the main issues in many Tier 3 countries and we can eradicate this problem by creating opportunities for the people in such countries.
Helping people it's a very good thing you have financially or otherwise. I really believe that givers never lack. Whatever you give will return to you in another way more than what you gave. One should try to help people as much as you can but she don't make a stress him out. You don't just go about helping other people financially when you have been financially stable yourself do it once in awhile if you don't have the means. Yourself first then family then others
And this kind of person that always do love to help financially all the time in front whenever I have some financial strength I go into the street looking for people to help because that is just my nature and I can't change it.
Please very busy I don't even get much financial help from people I'm not really angry about it because when I was getting help is going to make me to be lazy in pursuing my goals.
I believe we are in this world to make a positive mark in this life but to make a mark one need to be influential and financially stable.
Sometimes it might actually be very difficult for you to help people when you are also struggling to survive, a lot of people believe that we all have our own responsibility to take care of ourself.
I help people as often as I can within me sometimes. But i also look at my financial standing per time before doing this most times so as not to be doing it wrongly at the expense of my survival for likelihood
That is a good thing to do. You should only help according to how well you are capable. But just giving out money carelessly can leave you with nothing to spend on your needs.
Sometimes it might actually be very difficult for you to help people when you are also struggling to survive, a lot of people believe that we all have our own responsibility to take care of ourself.
True, it doesn't seem feasible to lend and helping hand to another when one's self is going through his or her challenge but sometime it's not about financial challenges only a simple hug can go a long way
Well for me I'm someone that tends to be generous when I have, so the problem always lie in whether I have or not but not a question of if I would be of assistance or not, givers never lack they say
Am not that financially stable but I try to give as much as I can when I get the opportunity to do so. But I also need to know that it's not possible to help everyone to avoid bankruptcy.
I just realized that most of the money I earn is not put into use for my personal needs. I easily give out to people who ask me, and I'm beginning to think this is not a good thing because I hardly save some money for myself or invest in some profitable schemes.
More than 50per cent of what I earned on forums in the last two months have been given out?
What advise do you have for me?
If giving to my younger ones is part of helping people then I do that all the time, they don't even care if they country is hard all they know is asking all the time.
Giving to others is a good attribute but unfortunately people can try to take advantage of you. So you should be careful with giving. Basically just give to the right people.

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