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How often do you help people financially?

I do help people whenever I feel the need within me to do so for them and that shouldn't be a problem for anyone at all. But you should know that everything should be properly done with wisdom
I just realized that most of the money I earn is not put into use for my personal needs. I easily give out to people who ask me, and I'm beginning to think this is not a good thing because I hardly save some money for myself or invest in some profitable schemes.
More than 50per cent of what I earned on forums in the last two months have been given out?
What advise do you have for me?
Well if I am is financially less I will definitely help a lot of people financially because I know that I am a product or people's help in several locations so I cannot come and say that I will not help people when God has blessed me financially.
I help people a lot and I don't expect anything in return while helping people. A lot of people are going through hard times and i use whatever I have to support others but not at the detriment of my own self
You are right. You can not give people what you do not have. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I agree with you when you give do not expect some thing in return when you give. Freely you receive, freely you can also give.
I also do help too , because most times when you give you would have multiple blessing ,but you should always have a budget so that you won't end up being broke by giving too much
I always wished to help people financially and I will definitely help people once I reach my goals. Earning money is very hard and this is why many people are just not able to make money and rely on donations. I also want to help widow women and orphan children.
Of course if you give your money out to people who are in need, you will not be able save money for yourself. I see that you are very helpful and has a big heart for helping people in their finances. Can I also ask money from you? I am also in need financially.
It is not that I am financially free, but I tend to give out even at my own expense. That is why I'm seeking opinions on how best to achieve this goal.
Write your reply...how often do you help people financially well as for me I have never helped anyone financially is just that I myself need help not that is not a good idea to help someone financially
Instead of giving them the fish, why not teach them how to do it? Many people do not know or even believe they can make money online. You can try showing them they can.
Instead of giving them the fish, why not teach them how to do it? Many people do not know or even believe they can make money online. You can try showing them they can.
Like what you just said , most people prefer you giving them fish and not teaching them how to fish when they realises how you catches your own fishes, after introducing my friends on how I make my money online through working on forum sites, they believe its hard .
Well to be serious I do not help people all the time, in fact I can hardly remember when I purposely help people. I can only be able to do this when they directly ask me for help because I will not even remember to do it.
During festivals and birthdays , I giveaway some cash to maids and servants , and those who are working under sunlight. But when I get a good job , I would like to donate more especially to orphanages.
I am not in a position to help other people financially because I have a lot of family obligations. However, I do help people financially whenever I can. It is not an easy decision though.
We don't go about helping people because we want something in return from them in the future, that form of help is not help but just playing a political long game
As .long as the money is there for money for me I give money out the at anytime in the name of charity deeds,I like it and am even praying for more financial blessings to do more.
As a good spirited person it is always good to lend a helping hand to those in need,because most times if you have not been in the shoes of a person that really needs help,you would not understand what it means to have a genuine need of resources.But i would suggest if you have a means to adequately empower such fellow it would be better.
Well to be serious I do not help people all the time but sometimes I can only help people when I see that are really in need of my help at a particular time but obviously not all the time.
I believe we are in this world to make a positive mark in this life but to make a mark one need to be influential and financially stable.
This greatly depend on how buoyant I am. It is pretty much easier to help people when I have a lot of cash at hand. Paucity of funds makes me frown.
I believe we are in this world to make a positive mark in this life but to make a mark one need to be influential and financially stable.
Exactly, no matter how small the gesture might be, it is something, even in situations whereby the person might not appreciate your effort, it does not matter. You have done a good deed and it has been recorded.
Exactly, no matter how small the gesture might be, it is something, even in situations whereby the person might not appreciate your effort, it does not matter. You have done a good deed and it has been recorded.
True, there are some things that one do not need feedback or appreciation for but as humans some kind gestures needs feedback or appreciation to encourage
Write your reply...how often do you help people financially well as for me I have never helped anyone financially is just that I myself need help not that is not a good idea to help someone financially
That's a good mindset. One of my mentors always tells me that I can only really help others when I'm comfortable myself. Once I have fulfilled the most basic necessities for life, I do give out though, even if it's not much.

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