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How often do you help people financially?

Giving out money is a blessing as the saying goes that givers never lack. However, you shouldn't do that often to affect your own personal self. You need to give out what is left after satisfying yourself and saving.
If you have enough money to spare I believe that it is not really a bad thing for you to help people that time in financial need to see something that they can use to take care of their problem.
I help people a lot and I don't expect anything in return while helping people. A lot of people are going through hard times and i use whatever I have to support others but not at the detriment of my own self
This is one of the best way that you can never feel disappointed in your life because you don't expect anything in return when you help people because a lot of people don't appreciate being helped.
The situation of the country is not encouraging because the rich keeps getting richer and most of the time nobody to assist and uplift the poor , and thats why we must keep helping the less privilege.
This is one of the best way that you can never feel disappointed in your life because you don't expect anything in return when you help people because a lot of people don't appreciate being helped.
Everyone definitely will need help at a point in time. So it is very important to be of help to one another at the point when the assistance is needed. I provide financial assistance to people around me when it's needed
The thing of giving is a natural thing it's comes naturally and from within. I can't tell how much often I have given out to people financial but at every given opportunity I have to do so as much as I can because I derive joy in it
Not really, the problem is that I do not really have the time to even observe who is in need of financial help. I should rather think of helping people financially as I can because believing to be rich before you do so might takes ages.
I very much believe that it is a good thing to give back to people especially who are starting good ideas in the areas of businesses in order to help them build positive you. I always try to contribute to the best of my ability depending on how much I have at hand and how much I can be able to give away.
You can never change their condition by giving them money, it is very important for you to really make sure you empower them with the appropriate knowledge that will enable them make the money themselves.
I have been into poverty for a very long time now and I know exactly how it feels. This is why I generally do not miss any opportunity to help someone provided that I have and I have reasons to believe that their business idea is a good one.
One thing I feel is very important in life is to keep helping people in needs and keep assisting them because one way or the other , you have also been assisted by someone before .
I can't really say that I have helped so many people but I have touched some peoples lives financially. Now, I don't really have the financial capability or capacity to do that.
It is true that sometimes helping others cause us not able to save for ourselves. Think of all the blessings you received you may not have the savings you want still you can provide for all your needs. Be grateful that you're able to give because it is better that you are the one who can give than the one who's in need.
I understand the fact that the economy is not favorable the moment and a lot of people are going through it. This is why I believe that I should always be giving out a few amount of money anytime I feel like I have enough
Like an adage normally says , you don't need to have millions of money in your bank before you can be of assistance to people financially , so its normal to assist people
I do not hesitate to help whenever I have the chances of doing so.it will be very bad if I have the financial capability and I didn't help someone in need. It's really not a good idea.
I do help people financially and otherwise when I can, but I don't actually encourage anybody to be solely dependant on anyone, that is why I usually show them ways they could make money and become financially independent.
Everyone has one or two challenges he or she is facing in their line of work and mine is money challenges , I needed money to boost up my business and also take care of personal needs
I believe I do it from time to time. One of the ways people can too is if you have the means to give financially at this time, you can consider donating to your local food bank or to a nonprofit that’s helping lower-income people cover rent payments and other basic needs.
I believe I do it from time to time. One of the ways people can too is if you have the means to give financially at this time, you can consider donating to your local food bank or to a nonprofit that’s helping lower-income people cover rent payments and other basic needs.
Giving out when you have more than enough is the best thing to do and giving even when you don't have much to give , donating food to people who are less privileged .
I only try to help people when I believe that I am in the best position to do that and I see that their reason is genuine. I cannot be able to help everybody because I do not have the right funds at the moment.

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