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How often did you travel before Covid-19?

During the hype of the pandemic traveling was impossible because of the lockdown, restrictions and the grounding of flight which made travel hard and to some extent impossible, say nanny people did not travel in other to keep themselves safe and not to contact the virus
Before covid I did some travels, realised I actually love travelling. I made few more trips and every chance I get I like to travel. After covid, I haven't travelled a lot.
not so much to be honest as i'm a very busy student, but i was traveling often (in the same country for sure), people are now able to travel unlike before back when the pandemic was new and strict
I am work from home individual, I do not go out from home for work. I am a freelancer and I work 10-11 hours every day, I do not have time to travel.
Well, in reply to your question above concerning how often i travelled before COVID-19, well i will have to say that i didn't travel much, as i am a person that doesn't like travelling that much and also i am a student and i find myself busy a lot
I love traveling it is one of my hobbies. Before covid-19 I travelled a lot to so many places, some from work other during vacations. I had travelled to about 12 States before the pandemic and planned to do more before covid cut it short and I had to stopped as I can't risk my health for anything.
Covid 19 is real, traveling at this period is not safe. You need to be very careful if you must travel. You need to make sure you take All the preventing measures. Don't play with your life. If you can avoid traveling that will be nice. But please make sure you stay safe
Well I use to travel very well before the pandemic, but during the pandemic movement was restricted causing me not to able to travel anywhere.
Because of so much responsibility i did not consider the plan they because of my school responsibilities, work And others and I don't know really considered traveling has something all that important and in this I didn't even travel much before the pandemic, I might actually do that in the future but for now there is no time.
This covid-19 pandemic has really affected my travelling arrangements a lot because of the protocols set in place. I do travel interstate a lot before the pandemic for fun and seeing my relatives
I am a frequent traveller as am involved in buying and selling , i am involved in supplies i travel alot sometimes twice sour thrice a week to get the items ready for supply and business was doing great before the covid19 and it restrictions it brought us.
I do travel a lot before the Corona virus pandemic started but since the coronavirus started I haven't traveled for once because of the fear of contracting the virus one of my travels.
I do not travel much because of school schedules, I only move from my state to the state where my school is located and that's all. No difference between now and pre Covid season.
The issue of travelling in my country has not been a major issue,as you can move unrestricted within the country.But where the issue is has to be when you want to travel outside the country,especially to high risk country,or when you wants to enter back into the country.then you will have some restrictions.
Before covid-19 outbreak, I used to travel almost every week but my travelling rate has drastically reduced because most of things I need to travel for are being accomplished online even sometimes through online seminars and reports.
The issue of travelling in my country has not been a major issue,as you can move unrestricted within the country.But where the issue is has to be when you want to travel outside the country,especially to high risk country,or when you wants to enter back into the country.then you will have some restrictions.
This means one has to restrict himself to in country affairs then. If anything should take you to countries suffering from the virus, it would be difficult to get accepted back into your country.
Before covid19 i planned to travel to Australia for business adventure but covid struck my plans off. I decided to shop locally and since then I've settled with how life is, at the moment.
It more easy and convenient for me to travel before the covid-19 pandemic but there is a reduction in it during the covid-19 period now. Following different rules and guide line while traveling now has really discourage me from traveling except for important reason.
It is understandable. If the rules were not there, the situation would have escalated beyond what we had on ground by now. But not everyone is actually keeping to these rules
Covid-19 has cut off a lot of our lives, and traveling was one thing I really loved to do. I was going to travel to Japan recently, but had to cut that out of the equation due to the virus rearing its ugly head from back in late 2019. Anyway, I traveled a lot before covid. Went to Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Canada, New Mexico, and of course, was going to go to Japan next. But alas it didn't happen.

What about you though?
Traveling had always been my doing before the convid 19 burst out,so we were locked inter state no going out from one state to another until the convid 19 is down to 10% now, so right now am not in my home I traveled for business tho.
I like traveling to see friends and family but since covid19 I have never travel again, covid19 has spoil many things nobody travel again because of covid19.

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