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How often did you travel before Covid-19?

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Covid-19 has cut off a lot of our lives, and traveling was one thing I really loved to do. I was going to travel to Japan recently, but had to cut that out of the equation due to the virus rearing its ugly head from back in late 2019. Anyway, I traveled a lot before covid. Went to Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Canada, New Mexico, and of course, was going to go to Japan next. But alas it didn't happen.

What about you though?
Well, i had intensified my travelling by the end of 2019. I even had a plan of reaching at least 50 countries before the end of 2020. But this never happened due to the pandemic. Before the pandemic, i had planned to visit at least one country across the world monthly. It was going fine until the pandemic did hit.
The only place I've been to is Mexico. I have not traveled very far. I stopped in Texas on the flight to Mexico and that's the most I've seen of travel. It is quite a shame though that people can't travel certain places from the virus. Though restrictions are starting to ease. You can ride airplanes if you have a mask on so at least that's possible.
Yes Covid did make change in traveling and I miss my old days. I used to take domestic travel holiday every 3 months means I do visit at least 4 times in my home country and do 1 international trop. In 2020 we booked for Phuket but it all cancelled and I don't know when we go again their
I never got to travel before as well because I did not earn enough. Unfortunately I got a better job around just before Covid started and I COULD have traveled.
I travelled more when I was young but not so much these days even before the pandemic. It must be hard for people who like to get away but I am more of a home bird now so it doesn't really affect me.
Well before covid I didn't really travel much unless when going interstate for studies, and now with the covids and it's implications traveling has been stricter because there are precautions to be taken now and not all of them is comfortable
Our regular travels abroad started in 2012. We travel to Asian countries at least 2 times in a year. I think it was in 2017 when we traveled 7 times. Our last travels were in 2019 to Bangkok, Tokyo and Macau. For 2020 we had plane tickets for Seoul, South Korea but the flight was cancelled by the airline for that November trip. Again we bought plane tickets for the same destination in June 2021 but that was also cancelled.
It more easy and convenient for me to travel before the covid-19 pandemic but there is a reduction in it during the covid-19 period now. Following different rules and guide line while traveling now has really discourage me from traveling except for important reason.
My travels were mostly local. I do travel a lot of time before the advent of covid-19 pandemic. But as a result of the situations around having physical contacts with people, I had to cut down on my travels
Indeed Covid made change in voyaging and I miss my past times. I used to take homegrown travel occasion like clockwork implies I do visit in any event multiple times in my nation of origin and do 1 global trop. In 2020 we reserved for Phuket yet it all dropped and I don't have the foggiest idea when we go again their
I love traveling alot, i love seeing new places getting new experience but i didnt really travel much i only traveled when it was necessary needed. Or when i needed to attend to something
Travelling is one aspect i like a lot in life because i experience different behaviours from different places,people,cultures and it's also educative.
To be honest I'm not into traveling, I like to stay home and keep my routine of course it's better to go out and try new things and to get out of your confront zone
Its just so scrupulous to see covid19 restricting travelling. I planned my traveling to seek pastures new in Australia, but covid19 made my visa and entry there to be downed down. I only have plans to apply again when covid19 is no more.
I travel a lot before the outbreak of the deadly corona virus. This has placed restriction on my traveling and those trips are important trips. But little or nothing can be done about that cos it's a virus that affects the whole world
Before the pandemic year, I travel ocassionally for family function but in that pandemic year I travelled more during the lockdown because I was able to be connected with medical officers.
Concerning how often did I travel before covid-19. Well, I am a person who doesn't do alot of travelling but I would love to travel when need be and if there is anyone who wants to take me travelling, am available. The covid-19 really do affect travelling alot in my country
Unfortunately not a lot because i was always busy.But i really miss travelling so when the summer comes i will travel without a question

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