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How do you start your morning?

Everyday I have a fix plans and preparations of what I am interested to do and when to start doing it . I follow up my daily plan. That is a very important to me than any other thing
Everyday I have a fix plans and preparations of what I am interested to do and when to start doing it . I follow up my daily plan. That is a very important to me than any other thing

Well, I usually get up really late but I am trying to get up early. I have noticed that staying up late is making things really hard for me. There is a reason why early birds are considered much better.
When I wake in the morning I tend to wake my kids up for school and college and make sure they get out the door okay in the morning. I will then grab myself something to eat and a drink, usually, a cup of tea or an iced coffee, and I will then shower and get myself dressed to fully wake myself up and then start my day of working whilst my kids are in school and college.
Well, I usually get up really late but I am trying to get up early. I have noticed that staying up late is making things really hard for me. There is a reason why early birds are considered much better.
Sometimes i stays up late too but not really all the time . If I am staying up late then I have to sleep to cover at least 6 hours and I always have to calculate how many hours I have to sleep just to fix in other things along.
I thank God for life first, then I take two glasses of water, i proceed to home workout, the i prepare my to-do list for the day so i can move with a purpose and mission for that day
I thank God for life first, then I take two glasses of water, i proceed to home workout, the i prepare my to-do list for the day so i can move with a purpose and mission for that day
Sometimes this is what I do and sometimes I don't do it. It all depends on how I feel. There are so many times I will just wake up and focus on the activities of the day but sometimes I always use some few minutes to acknowledged my God too.
The moment I open my eyes, I check my phone and see if I have any emails and messages. If these emails and messages need to be answered, I start replying to these messages. After I freshen up, I start working.
The moment I open my eyes, I check my phone and see if I have any emails and messages. If these emails and messages need to be answered, I start replying to these messages. After I freshen up, I start working.
That's really nice, if you won't mind my asking what kind of work do you do? Are you working online or there's something you use to do offline to earn you money.
I start my day with making prayers to the Almighty, asking him to bless this day. After that, I work out for approximately 15 to 20 mins if it is a weekday. If I have any lecture on that day, I would prepare for it, If not I would just start by working online.
That's really nice, if you won't mind my asking what kind of work do you do? Are you working online or there's something you use to do offline to earn you money.
I do a lot of things online, blogging and web designing make me good money, I also make money as a content creator. I post on forums but only when I have free time. I am also a staff on multiple forums.
For me i usually start my mornings with having a family devotions, after that some days i do a little work out, there are other days i just start the work i have for the day or go for morning work.
I do a lot of things online, blogging and web designing make me good money, I also make money as a content creator. I post on forums but only when I have free time. I am also a staff on multiple forums.
Wow, this sounds good,I'm beginning to like it, I ask this because I noticed you are active on most of the forums, not only that it seems like you have been working online for a long time.
Wow, this sounds good,I'm beginning to like it, I ask this because I noticed you are active on most of the forums, not only that it seems like you have been working online for a long time.
I have been working for a long time, and I am not only a blogger and forum owner but also a web designer. I post on multiple forums as well. If you want to work online and survive you need to utilize every work opportunities
I have been working for a long time, and I am not only a blogger and forum owner but also a web designer. I post on multiple forums as well. If you want to work online and survive you need to utilize every work opportunities
Yes I knew it, from what I'm seeing it seems like you have different types of skills set that earn you money, that's really interesting, that's means you are working online full time.
Actually there are several ways to start your morning most especially when you are a self employed person. Sometimes you can start by prayer, engaging in an exercise to keep body balance and also worked when using the internet.
Most of us have to get up early and prepare the day for work. Some of us get to work from home, others have to go to the office, then the lucky ones work for themselves!

How do you typically start out your morning prior to getting started on work?

When I used to work for the company where I was employed last, I usually wake up around 5 a.m. and prepare for work and I'll make sure that I'm always in your office before 8 a.m. in the morning and resume my duties. It was a very difficult time for me then.

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