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How do you start your morning?

I always start my morning with good hopes and positive vibes then I always try to do some exercise take healthy breakfast and start my work with positive vibes and always try to push myself to do something to attain something if your morning is good your night will be also and I always sleep well and before 9 o'clock at night to get good sleep.
My typical morning is just an autopilot.
I wake up at 3am , pray, check bizdustry, check the financial markets, check my poultry farm, exercise and take charge of my day by planning .
Well this is not good you should get up 5a.m. to avoid bad health issues. If you sleep well then everything will be plan by yourself accordingly. Try to take good sleep without tension.
Yes, it is always very important and necessary for you to set a target that is achievable. That's the way you can use to achieve good results, but I think it should not be too easy.
You have a very good point because if you set a tough target for yourself, it will sink into your subconscious mind, and you may likely achieve it. That is exactly how our minds operate.
After praying in the morning when God wakes me up, I get up to brush my teeth, get dressed, and get ready to set up for my offline business a few miles away in preparation for the typical day's plan. I may then pick up my phone and begin my online activity while still on the business grounds.
Well every time I wake up tThe first thing I do in the morning is to do exercise and then I plan out how my day is going to work. This is so that I am going to be more productive and allocate time to everything.
Proper planning whenever you wake up is always very important and necessary if you want to be very productive. That is also what I do and I set targets.
Yes.Definitely i have a target of what I am interested to achieve . Sometimes you may not be able to achieve all the things you have planned for the day but at least try to achieve up to 80%.
Yes.Definitely i have a target of what I am interested to achieve . Sometimes you may not be able to achieve all the things you have planned for the day but at least try to achieve up to 80%.
They said shoot for the moon if you miss the moon you can land in one of the stars. it is always important for you to set good goals for yourself and even if you don't achieve it you'll be close to that.
They said shoot for the moon if you miss the moon you can land in one of the stars. it is always important for you to set good goals for yourself and even if you don't achieve it you'll be close to that.
That is exactly what I do everyday. just for me to be able to balance my daily work and to add up all the activities in my life . All these things will depend on my daily arrangement , do you do the same?
Most of us have to get up early and prepare the day for work. Some of us get to work from home, others have to go to the office, then the lucky ones work for themselves!

How do you typically start out your morning prior to getting started on work?
I start my morning by performing my religious duties, and then proceed to take care of personal hygiene. After that, I take my breakfast while I plan my schedule for the remainder of the day.
I was raised by a God fearing parents,I first wake up and gives thanks to God who keeps me alive healthy and strong, praise him for he is God.what follows is greetings to family and friends then brakefast. After that I on my phone and get started online survey
Well I usually start my morning based on set schedule and I don't want to deviate from that. Prayer is the first thing I always do because it grant me success in what I want.
I don't have a particular routine that I follow everyday. Sometime I exercise and sometimes I don't. What is constant for me is that I worked up in the morning, praying and do some work online. Those are the one that are constant for me.
how i normally operate is that, i plan the next day work the previous day, it helps me make more informed decision and also keeps me on my feet because i know i have my work cut out for me.
I'll start my day first. I take a bath and then pray before leaving for work in the morning because everyone knows that you have to take a shower before leaving in the morning.
I start my day with prayers first. I don't usually have time for exercises during weekdays so I take my bath and prepare for work immediately. My schedule is a bit different on weekends because I have to keep fit.
I've been able to incorporate exercises to my morning routine recently. I get home sleep earlier than normal and wake up around 3 a.m, that way I have time to do my exercises and plan for the day. You should give it a try.
I start my mornings with prayer before I go clean my teeth and take a bath. I would then eat breakfast and get ready for work by getting dressed. While driving, I monitor the performance of my web business and look for any developments.
I normally wakes up around 4:30 am in the morning and after praying , I work for good one hour or more online , and then i do the cooking and preparation for that particular day work , but i also go jogging on weekends ,
Most of us have to get up early and prepare the day for work. Some of us get to work from home, others have to go to the office, then the lucky ones work for themselves!

How do you typically start out your morning prior to getting started on work?
I don't do anything special to be honest I wake up and do stuff like shower etc then I get to work and spend a solid amount of time there and then go back home soemtimes living like this is upsetting but I learned how to ignore it
Yeah, it is always very important to put down everything you need to do in a particular day and take them one step at a time when you wake up in the morning. I usually start with morning prayers and then exercise.
I normally wakes up early around 4 a.m and pray , after that I normally work online for few hours before preparing for a jog and then going for my offline daily work activities .
I normally wakes up early around 4 a.m and pray , after that I normally work online for few hours before preparing for a jog and then going for my offline daily work activities .
Waking up by 4 a.m. is something I have been trying to do for a while but it seems I don't sleep early. when I finally start my offline business I think I will be waking up by that time to do some online gigs.

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