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How do you start your morning?

The most important thing at this point for me is that I should be able to know what I am going to be doing for that day and as such setting up my schedule is the first thing I do on rising up.
It is necessary to pray very early in the morning and no one is disputing that as a believer, but you still need to do light exercise in the morning. This must be done in the morning once in a while.
Praying and exercising are some of the most important things for me whenever I wake up. You need to exercise yourself in order to keep yourself fit to carry out your daily activities.
Actually there are several ways to start your morning depending on how you want it. personally I first started with my phone and followed by prayers before other things comes after.
Actually there are several ways to start your morning depending on how you want it. personally I first started with my phone and followed by prayers before other things comes after.
Do you use your phone to work online or to check updates on the internet?. Sometimes what I do is that I use my phone to check if there are messages and of course the tasks i have to complete that day.
Well starting your morning depends on how you want it. either by starting with a particular program or exercise based on how you usually undertake it.
That is for sure, that is why once I pray in the morning any how, I do try my best to make sure I do try to do one or two exercise no matter how to make sure I keep fit.
The only I'm looking to inculcate to my habit now is exercise. I want to do like 20 minutes exercise every morning before do any work. Exercise has been proven to be beneficial to the body.
Well starting your morning depends on how you want it. either by starting with a particular program or exercise based on how you usually undertake it.
Yeah, it is always very important to put down everything you need to do in a particular day and take them one step at a time when you wake up in the morning. I usually start with morning prayers and then exercise.
Yeah, it is always very important to put down everything you need to do in a particular day and take them one step at a time when you wake up in the morning. I usually start with morning prayers and then exercise.
This is another important point that must be taken note of. Jotting down all the activities for the day is very crucial. This will enable you to plan properly on how to execute all the task that you have for the day.
The first thing we are all expected to do is to pray, I believe that's the best way to start up your day especially if you are a Christian, you are expected to pray Everytime you wake up.
immediately i wake up, that's where i earn from so i put it in my head. I only have the weekend to think about life and how to enjoy it
It is often necessary to do it because it will help your health.
This is another important point that must be taken note of. Jotting down all the activities for the day is very crucial. This will enable you to plan properly on how to execute all the task that you have for the day.
it is probably one of the most effective ways of making your day a great one. You need to jot down everything you have to do for that day and follow them one step at a time with a lot of discipline and dedication.
it is probably one of the most effective ways of making your day a great one. You need to jot down everything you have to do for that day and follow them one step at a time with a lot of discipline and dedication.
I found out that, you will have a fulfilled day if you write down things to do for the day and as you execute each of the task, you would give it a mark, until you finish all the task for the day.
I found out that, you will have a fulfilled day if you write down things to do for the day and as you execute each of the task, you would give it a mark, until you finish all the task for the day.
Yeah, when you write out the tasks you have to complete in a particular day you will not be at rest with yourself until you finish them. That is one of the best ways in which you can use to be very productive.
Yeah, when you write out the tasks you have to complete in a particular day you will not be at rest with yourself until you finish them. That is one of the best ways in which you can use to be very productive.
If you really want to achieve your set target , it is very important to set target that is achievable. If you set the target that you cannot achieve, you will continue to chase the shadow.
If you really want to achieve your set target , it is very important to set target that is achievable. If you set the target that you cannot achieve, you will continue to chase the shadow.
Yes, it is always very important and necessary for you to set a target that is achievable. That's the way you can use to achieve good results, but I think it should not be too easy.
I start up my early morning with plans and preparation of what I need to do and what I have to achieve an end of the day. And I also try as much as possible to achieve that.
I start up my early morning with plans and preparation of what I need to do and what I have to achieve an end of the day. And I also try as much as possible to achieve that.
Proper planning whenever you wake up is always very important and necessary if you want to be very productive. That is also what I do and I set targets.
Proper planning whenever you wake up is always very important and necessary if you want to be very productive. That is also what I do and I set targets.
Setting targets does not mean accomplish the targets so do not stress yourself even if you do not reach target planned, try to be as most do the most of challenge everyday, complete it is not compulsory.
Setting targets does not mean accomplish the targets so do not stress yourself even if you do not reach target planned, try to be as most do the most of challenge everyday, complete it is not compulsory.
it is always very important and necessary you try as much as possible to achieve your daily targets. But even if you do not have it, you can try the next day. But at least you should try your best.

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