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How do you plan to spend in this holiday season?

I don't have any plan of spending during this holiday, I just need to raise some money for other things much more important than spending on holidays from now. Probably I might consider spending in the upper coming Holiday.

Well, if you are a business owner, then going on a holiday might be a really tough thing to do. This is why I would consider various things before going on a holiday if I own a business. Who would run the business perfectly and smoothly after I leave? This is the real question.
I have already finished 95% of my shopping. The wife and I always shop early and budget everything so we are not struggling with bills in December and January. We got finished in October actually. We spent less than usual. With inflation and needing to cut corners, it was our only option.
Most people tends to spend money unecessary most especially in this festive seasons, but in order to lessen the cost of unecessary spending one has to use the law of demand and supply theory.
I plan to spend on myself this holiday season. Since it's a festive season, I will celebrate all the year's achievement during this period mainly to relax and have energy to start up a new year.
I haven't planned much as regarding the festive period as I still have a lot to do before that day but what I plan on doing is to spend more time with family and friends and have a lot of fun
Actually plans on how to spend the holidays, depends on needs, and also location. if I am in a better or commercial area, I will try to engage myself into some kind of business that will still yield me some profit while on holiday.
Actually spending depends on what you earned. and a wise person will not spend more than he has. I will spend less this season simply because my earnings for this year is less compared to last year.
Actually spending depends on what you earned. and a wise person will not spend more than he has. I will spend less this season simply because my earnings for this year is less compared to last year.

What if you do not earn much money? In that case, you will not be saving any money at all due to the fact that whatever the amount of money you earn, you will end up spending that in the end.
I dont normally plan the way I spend whenever I am not financially buoyant , I only go with the flow of what i make on daily basis but that doesn't stop me from saving .
I chose to spend less during this holiday season. We live in very hard economic times and it is only good to learn good spending habits. Save more and invest more instead of spending more.
I dont normally plan the way I spend whenever I am not financially buoyant , I only go with the flow of what i make on daily basis but that doesn't stop me from saving .

Well, there are many people who try to balance things. However, I try my best to imbalance things in a positive way. I try to save money and earn more money comparatively. This is what you call positive balancing.
I actually did not spend any money during the holiday season. the reason is because I have more pressing issues to attend to than to spend money just for holidays.
I have already finished 95% of my shopping. The wife and I always shop early and budget everything so we are not struggling with bills in December and January. We got finished in October actually. We spent less than usual. With inflation and needing to cut corners, it was our only option.
I can tell you that this is actually a wise decision because whenever it is the end of the year around here, things are just naturally going to become more expensive.
I can tell you that this is actually a wise decision because whenever it is the end of the year around here, things are just naturally going to become more expensive.

Well, this is the main reason why I tend to use an accounting software which is helping me to calculate my estimated earnings. This also helps you to understand and evaluate your performance and also create a monthly budget accordingly.
Actually plans on how to spend the holidays, depends on needs, and also location. if I am in a better or commercial area, I will try to engage myself into some kind of business that will still yield me some profit while on holiday.
I also understand that the holiday season is a time where you are supposed to connect with your family and rest and that is why a very good vacation in a countryside is going to be ideal.
Now that it’s almost holiday season, how do you plan to spend? Will you spend lesser money now compared to previous holiday season, the same, or more?
I am always trying to decrease my expenses because now I know how much it is difficult to make money, not only in holiday season but always.
I always try to keep my holiday budget small. I don't spend too much money on decoration, I always reuse items that I used last holiday season. I do not invite a lot of people, in only celebrate among small circle.
I am always trying to decrease my expenses because now I know how much it is difficult to make money, not only in holiday season but always.

I have also reduced my expenses. I can feel that when I reduce my expenses, I always feel happy. I think that saving money has a lot to do with your well-being.
I have also reduced my expenses. I can feel that when I reduce my expenses, I always feel happy. I think that saving money has a lot to do with your well-being.
I agree with you, decreasing expenses and saving money will help you alot in every aspect of life, you can put your money in saving account or investment account which can help you in long run.
I agree with you, decreasing expenses and saving money will help you alot in every aspect of life, you can put your money in saving account or investment account which can help you in long run.

I must say that decreasing expenses and increasing your income is the only way to make sure that you deal with financial issues in your life. There is no other way at all.
Normally the holiday season is a season of festivities. So if one is not careful we might spend recklessly. So I plan beforehand how much I budget to spend during the holiday and stick to it.

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