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How do you go about persuading others to your point of view?

Persuading people requires defending your point of view and having to have a unique point. This would help in defending what you are trying to say. You don't just argue blindly, you argue to make a point. And also, good communication skills would motivate and encourage people to listen to you.
Making people see your point is very important in leadership, it makes your team together. However it's demanding, it requires skills and knowledge, you must let them see good in your point and the advantage and the disadvantages if it is not followed.
To me when you are very sure of what you are selling as a business person, definitely you have less stress concerning whom you are to sell your business to because you will have all what it takes to measure up to any response call your customers signal for.
Another most interesting point i have that could made you convince your customers when you are honest with the product or service rendered to them. often.
I to have a very large farm where i will grow crops and livestocks and i will be into a very big export business. Exporting my agricultural produce to countries where they are terrible needed. I will make sure I feed the nation's of the world and wipe out world hunger. I Will make food available for all.
I would say those customers that are loyal, and that are in real need of my products or services, they are ready to remain loyal and are true to their promise.
The best way to persuade someone is by using physical evidence. People tend to believe physical evidence over mere words. I have worked as a real estate agent and sometimes I have had to take my clients to a house to prove to them that is top quality and up to standard.
Persuading people is a very great task especially in the line of business... but in this case what I will advise you to follow is "let the thing speak for itself".this approach works better for business to convince customers.
Believe in your idea, and know how to define it. Listen to the other person's point of view. Be confident and passionate. Match the other person's body language and manner of speaking. Do not force your idea; simply make suggestions.
The best way to convince someone to believe in your ideas and programs is for you to be successful in what you are doing everyone love a successful person everyone will like to type those idea from you but if you cannot successful there is no way you'll be so people to believe in you and your ideas there were to be able to attract people try and be successful
There are couple number of customers who come to the store with the intent of buying a specific Samsung phone which may not be available, available type related to preferred specs may be Huawei, I then have to convince the customer to understand the effective functionality of Huawei, the unique specifications and more, by these, they end up buying Huawei, they definitely enjoy it and refer others.
Persuasive skill is highly fundamental and rudimentary to business expansion, persuasion is a skill on its own. Using limited resources and information at your disposal to convince people to tally with your product is exquisitive.
The best way to persuade others of your point of view is to speak clearly, honestly and transparently. It is also important that the explanations you give to people have a basis, and that you have enough knowledge to be able to clarify any doubts that may arise.
The best way to persuade others of your point of view is to speak clearly, honestly and transparently. It is also important that the explanations you give to people have a basis, and that you have enough knowledge to be able to clarify any doubts that may arise.
I love the points you started. You have to be calm and realise that if you do not express your points in a way the person can understand, he or she won't view the subject matter as you see it. Speaking clearly is very important.
I love the points you started. You have to be calm and realise that if you do not express your points in a way the person can understand, he or she won't view the subject matter as you see it. Speaking clearly is very important.
If I think it is the best way, it is not necessary to use a complicated vocabulary. Be yourself, show yourself close and transmit confidence, there is no better way to reach people than being transparent and clear, always dominating the topic of conversation, in this way captures the attention of the client.
Knowledge is the only weapon against ignorance. Again result cancels all arguments. If you can back up your claim with atainable evidence then u can convince anybody
One way you can persuade a person to buy your product is by letting person know your product and also to advertise it on social media this will make the person to see your product.
Having others to agree with your findings is very important aspect of business. Me, I try to convince people by making them to think the way I did and to also make them see how I arrives at the decision.
Well, concerning your question in the above post on how to persuead people to accept your point of view, welI have to say that a way you can convince or perauade a custo.er is buy showing them the quality they are getting amf the feturefetureŕ
I like the word the poster used here "persuade". Most are always at the verge of winning argument, they just want to ensure that people accept their point of view whether they like it or not. The best way is to make your point clear and let people see why they should reason with your opinion not to force it on them.
When I had my business have 2 sales people who are so good in persuasion. To be honest, I don't have the patience to be persistent in pushing our products and I really don't have the gift of gab. My 2 sales people often succeeds in the persuasion game that is why they have the high position in my business as sales supervisor.
It is good that someone is willing to do something first before they do it. To achieve this, I always ensure that I make them to look at things on my own way.

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