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How did the world begin?


Paragon Member
1000 Posts Club
Dec 15, 2020


Have a little bit a fresh air and divert your thoughts from money-making for a bit. Stop to think for a minute about how we got here.

Without thinking about any scientific proof or historical knowledge, how do you think we got here? The beginning of man and how we have become this global network of people?

I'm curious to read your thoughts!!
History And science will expose you to evolution because they believe that is the origin of the world, to have a better understanding it is the best you read a lot of historical encyclopaedia, religion will also said differently depending on the type your religion.
This is something I've always thought of way back as a kid but always arriving at books and articles on evolution which hasn't really given me the information I needed. Most times when I try imagining how the world started putting the Bible story asides, my head blows hot so I wouldn't want to imagine this anytime.
I would say it depends on your beliefs, there are some who based on religion believe the world was created by a supreme being, while others tend to follow science which talks about the big bang theory and of cause evolution.
As much as you would want to think of how the world began without ant historical or scientific belief, i don't think it's possible. Somehow you'll find yourself going back to history or science.
I can't really tell how the world begins. Only the maker can do that. No matter how you can make research we will still come back to the same point.
It beyond the human thought as world begin, although the scientist might proof how the world begin but to my own side it beyond man's imagination
It beyond the human thought as world begin, although the scientist might proof how the world begin but to my own side it beyond man's imagination
That's true. No man on Earth can really tell how this world begins,we can only predict. This question only the maker can answer it, He has the answer.
This balls down to one point. No one knows whence we came or where we are headed eventually. How ironic that we think we have to figure life out completely.
There are so many historical thoughts on how the world came to be.
There are the biblical stories and there are also the scientific stories but whatever your believe is, is it left for you.
I believe God created the world out of nothing because he is supreme
There are so many historical thoughts on how the world came to be.
There are the biblical stories and there are also the scientific stories but whatever your believe is, is it left for you.
I believe God created the world out of nothing because he is supreme
Outside of what history and religion tells you, how do you imagine it all started?
According to biblical story, World started by the creation God where Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water. And God said, let there be light and there was light... All these are in the first phase of scripture
Well I think to talk about how human come into being,it depend on which perspective,either base on science,or our various believe,and I am sure if you are to talk about science it was explained by Charles Darwin,how human evolute from cell,so also according to our various believes we all know we are created by God.
many researches were made on how we all come to existence. science as proof it that we all came to existence as monkeys but I don't really believe this.
Well this would depend on how you want to look at it. The religious view or the scientific view. Either ways I know one of them is right.
Many persons has given different account of how the world came into existence but the truth or the fact to get the right account you have to go to the word of God which is the Bible, it's give the Acute fact of how the world came into existence
It was God who created heaven and earth, in the beginning when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate , the raining ocean covered everything and was in total darkness.
Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe, by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere and then the ocean, but the early atmosphere contained almost no oxygen.
Scientents would say that the big bang created the world but I personally think that there was someone behind everything who created it, and he is called god although it might sound like a kind of a fantasy we must understand that if he made the world if he created the sense he doesn't have to be makes sense.
I kind of hate him of his actions, I understand why he let us choose what to do whenever to be bad or whenever to be good but the fact that he created diseases and the death it's self that is really unacceptable.
There are alot of theories but maybe it is just a mystery and should remain like that. I don't want to strain my mind thinking of things that I can't find the real answers to. Maybe one day we will be able to know that.

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