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Hiring part timer vs hiring full timer


Staff member
40,000 Post Club
Jan 5, 2021
Do you like to work with part timers or full timers? Do you hire full time staff or hire staff as part timer? Well, I like to work with part timer as I do not have to offer jobs related perks. However, when full timer, I have to offer job related perks that are mandatory by the law.
For the serious sections of the business, hiring full-time workers is the best. You want to have longevity in the business or firm, and having some long-term workers can make it easier for you.
That's very true, for instance, you should hire full timer to overlook manufacturing unit, you also need to hire full timer for marketing. However, things like customer support, content writing, designing (mostly associated with promotion), you can work with part timers.
I’ve had experience with both, and honestly, it depends on what you’re looking for. Part-timers are awesome for flexibility and saving on costs, but I've found that full-timers tend to be more reliable and dedicated. For example, in my small business, having a few full-timers has helped create a more stable team environment, even though it means providing those extra benefits. It’s a bit of a trade-off, but for me, the consistency with full-timers often outweighs the cost savings of part-timers.
Well, one of the major issues with hiring full timers is you need to comply with your government's standard salary and perks. You are even required to give retirement benefits for long term employees.

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