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Have you ever lost a loved one?

Yes of course, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think straight.
Yes it is very painful when I lost my dearest sister who is my mother,my mentor and my helper. It was last year April when we were on lockdown. She gave birth to a bouncing baby boy,after she had issue of blood and eventually died. I can never forget it so painful.
Yes.My friend mother who took me as her biological son who sometimes does what my parents are unable to do for me.It was very painful when i heard that she died after a brief illness l.MAY HER SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE.AMEN.
Death is inevitable so long as people are leaving people will equally continue to die and yes I have lost those who have yet to me those who I cherish especially my friend and my brother who passed away as a result of negligence from the path of her mother it was terrible for me during that. cuz we grew up together did almost everything together and it had to end like that but I'm still grateful for those who have to live my life my family
I have lost so many people close to me that made me devastated at that period in time. Losing someone so dear to you can be seriously depressing, talking out of experience.
I believe that everybody on earth have lost his/her love one in one way or the other. I have lost my dad to death. I have also lost my classmate who was my very good friend. It was the saddest day of my life but I believe that God knows the best
in my case, my mom was sick for a few years before she died, which gave me time to prepare, right? I am pretty in touch with my feelings. And besides, I am a go-getter with the support of wonderful family and friends. I have a strong faith in God, so that would keep me strong and make the loss a little easier to handle. I hoped so anyway. I had watched other people appear to get back to life as I know it after losing a loved one. By my estimations, surely I would feel and be better in six months. I am a go-getter with the support of wonderful family and friends. I have a strong faith in God, so that would keep me strong and make the loss a little easier to handle. I hoped so anyway.
Yeah I lost two important people of which one left before I was old enough to pronounce letter A. It alway very painful when you think about how much you miss them and wish they were around but nothing can be done. You just have to pray from their soul to keep resting in peace. If I was giving one wish I’d always hope I could bring at least one of them back for 2hrs just to have a little conversation with them especially my mom.
in my case, my mom was sick for a few years before she died, which gave me time to prepare, right? I am pretty in touch with my feelings. And besides, I am a go-getter with the support of wonderful family and friends. I have a strong faith in God, so that would keep me strong and make the loss a little easier to handle. I hoped so anyway. I am a go-getter with the support of wonderful family and friends. I have a strong faith in God, so that would keep me strong and make the loss a little easier to handle. I hoped so anyway.
Yes have lost someone very close to me before .When i first heard about loosing one of my best friend it was like a dream I couldn't believe it because he was someone who was very close to me . May his soul rest in peace
No doubt every body here may have lost some of his loved ones in death, it's a general issue, as far as this world is concerned people may continue to loose loved ones in death, until the new world comes, that is when humans in general will be free from sin and death.
My father died after a four year battle with cancer. How did I really feel? Confused. Conflicted. Sad. Numb. Angry. Relieved. Guilty. Normal.

There was no right thing to do.

I felt utterly lost, and I all I wanted to do was to crawl into a hole and die. to hide under the blankets in my bed. And I couldn't eat. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. But this was wrong, because I didn't want to trouble my mother. And everyone said I should be strong for her.
Yes I have lost someone very close to me once and its the most shocking thing that has ever happened to me, he was a good friend of mine, we are in the same choir and we do almost everything together. But death took him at the age of 27yrs.
I have lost a loved one before and it wasn't easy because the thought of not seeing them is unimaginable. Its not so easy its looks like a dream but the reality is just for you to believe they are gone.you think of different things at this time why it has to happen.
Yes I have I lost my dad in 2007 and my mum 2016 October. It was and still is a horrible experience having to deal with the absence of the people who will stand by you and be with you through tick and tin. The pain can never be healed. Or can it?
Sure, and it was very painful. First it was my grandfather 10 years ago. I really loved him. 5 years later, it was my uncle whom we were very tight. This affected me very much back then because i loved them so much.
Being an older person I have lost quite a few relatives. All my grandparents have gone and both my parents. Death is inevitable and it comes to all of us but each death affects me differently. The most painful death for me was my mother 6 years ago as I saw her every day. I had to watch her deteriorate day by day, week by week and although I was dreading her death I knew it was time because she had no quality of life. I think of her a lot but it's not painful now. Time really does heal.
I lost a loved one in a friend. He was the only male of his family just like me. It's been years ago now and it happened during the period of a bomb blast in my area then. The sound and happenings made him and his family run away from home. He missed his sisters and mum due to crowd and a lot of people were just escaping for their lives. He ended up with a lot of people in a swamp. What a loss.
Have you ever lost any loved ones. Someone close to you. Who was it? And how did it happen.
If you would like to share, let's have this discussed here.
Yes, I have once lost a loved one. It was indeed a painful thing to ever experience as a person. The incident was very traumatic but I had no choice but to accept it.

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