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Have you ever lost a loved one?


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500 Posts Club
Dec 23, 2020
Have you ever lost any loved ones. Someone close to you. Who was it? And how did it happen.
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Yea, i lost my dad. It was a very painful experience tho i was abit young then but i can still remember it all. He haf liver complications, not that he smooks or drinks. He does not do any of that. The doctors said he had 6 months to live but he kept fighting for four years before he gave up
Have you ever lost any loved ones. Someone close to you. Who was it? And how did it happen.
If you would like to share, let's have this discussed here.
Yes I have most love one before. My father died in the year 2005. Then I was just in primary 5, I was so painful because I was very close to him basically because I was the last child of the family. So growing up has not been easy at all, you know ,there are people around that wants to act like my father but I believe they can only act they can't be. I really miss him. My his soul rest in peace.
The death of someone you love can shake the foundation of your existence and affect both mind and body. During a period of grief, you can become preoccupied with thoughts, memories, and images of your friend or loved one, have difficulty accepting the finality of the loss, and experience waves of sadness and yearning.
Yes, my mummy that so precious to me, I thank God for today for mercy enduresth for ever. I bless God for his grace and peace over my life and my siblings, God is faithful to me and my family.
Yes I have most love one before. My father died in the year 2005. Then I was just in primary 5, I was so painful because I was very close to him basically because I was the last child of the family. So growing up has not been easy at all, you know ,there are people around that wants to act like my father but I believe they can only act they can't be. I really miss him. My his soul rest in peace.
Wow, i feel you.
It is well. May his soul rest in peace.
Yes, my younger brother, it was really a bad experience that I wouldn't pray to happen again, he was just slightly sick and the second day he gave up, it was really painful because I really love him but I believe God loves him more.
Often, the pain of loss can feel overwhelming. You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt, and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think straight
The death of someone you love can shake the foundation of your existence and affect both mind and body. During a period of grief, you can become preoccupied with thoughts, memories, and images of your friend or loved one, have difficulty accepting the finality of the loss, and experience waves of sadness and yearning.
This is so true. Exactly how i felt when I lost my sister in 2013. I found it really hard to come to terms with the fact that she was no more.
Oh my gosh. This is someone i was so close to, this is one beautiful soul, this is one lady that can give you practically anything within her reach without saying NO
Most times you just wonder why good people go too early.
May her soul continue to rest in peace.
Yes, my younger brother, it was really a bad experience that I wouldn't pray to happen again, he was just slightly sick and the second day he gave up, it was really painful because I really love him but I believe God loves him more.
exactly the consolation we all have. That God loves them more and they have gone to a better place than where we are.
May he continue to rest in peace.
Loosing the one you love is a very hard time to coup up with something you may not now how important this people are to you is wen you losses them. Before you can see their contacts important around you.
I have been relatively lucky in this regards. I remember losing two of my grand parents but the relationship was not there. So I didn't feel much sadness, I really can't imagine how it would feel to lose someone close. Life is sad already but we all know that the day would come when we would have to feel that pain.
Losing someone you love is a very tuff experience, when I lose my grandfather it was like part of me was cut off because the love we operate was very high within us, it really affected me that period because I was the only closest person to him. So when it comes to losing some who are you love the experience is not a kind of experience someone can withstand except God is with you.
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Losing someone you love is a very tuff experience, when I lose my grandfather it was like part of me was cut off because the love we operate was very high within us, it really affected me that period because I was the only closest person to him. So when it comes to losing some who are you love the experience is not a kind of experience someone can withstand except God is with you.
Have you ever lost someone you love and wanted one more conversation, one more chance to make up for the time when you thought they would be here forever? If so, then you know you can go your whole life collecting days, and none will outweigh the one you wish you had back.
Up till now I have never lost a loved one or anyone close to me for that matter. I saw people who did lost loved ones and people close to them and I cannot imagine what they went through. It seems like an empty blank space has been left in their minds that sometimes they seem so vulnerable and in need of a hug. Whoever lost a loved one and moved on must have been a really strong person.
My father died after a four year battle with cancer. How did I really feel? Confused. Conflicted. Sad. Numb. Angry. Relieved. Guilty. Normal.

There was no right thing to do.

I felt utterly lost, and I all I wanted to do was to crawl into a hole and die. to hide under the blankets in my bed. And I couldn't eat. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. But this was wrong, because I didn't want to trouble my mother. And everyone said I should be strong for her.
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My father died after a four year battle with cancer. How did I really feel? Confused. Conflicted. Sad. Numb. Angry. Relieved. Guilty. Normal.

There was no right thing to do.

I felt utterly lost, and I all I wanted to do was to crawl into a hole and die. to hide under the blankets in my bed. And I couldn't eat. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. But this was wrong, because I didn't want to trouble my mother. And everyone said I should be strong for her.
Yes of course. I have, which is my grandma, who always there for me and she gives me all answer to my question especially when it comes to traditional stuff. At my villa, she will help you to understand all and everything you need to know about one particular activities carried on at my village
Yes I have and it wasn't easy. Someone you have loved, lived and stayed with and has been part of your daily life, just in a twinkle of an eye the person is gone, how painful it was and still is.
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Yes I have and it wasn't easy. Someone you have loved, lived and stayed with and has been part of your daily life, just in a twinkle of an eye the person is gone, how painful it was and still is.
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Yes I have and it wasn't easy. Someone you have loved, lived and stayed with and has been part of your daily life, just in a twinkle of an eye the person is gone, how painful it was and still is.
Yes, a lot. I am currently mourning because of the death of our uncle whom took good care of us when we are at the young age. He's the one that our late grandma told us to take care as he will be living alone at the time of our grandma's death. You see, It might not be the same pain that others felt but we have different experiences and reason why it hurts us.
The heartbreak of grief can increase blood pressure and the risk of blood clots. Intense grief can alter the heart muscle so much that it causes "broken heart syndrome," a form of heart disease with the same symptoms as a heart attack. Stress links the emotional and physical aspects of grief

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