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Getting Older and Aging Gracefully

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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Jul 20, 2016
Some people try to hold on to their youth with exercise, surgery, or medication. How do you feel about getting older? Will you age gracefully?
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Sincerely I don't think anyone can state weather he or she will age gracefully, it all depends on what mother nature has for each of us.
Well, what you do at your young age, determines how one would grow old. If you over stress yourself right now all in the name of hard work, without having any form of proper rest, you might not see the result right now but years later the results would show.
I feel what will make one age gracefully is rest of mind and when there is money to maintain your health status,at least going to the hospital for check up
In fact there's nothing as sweeter like this, getting to know you're growing older and aging gracefully. This is when you'll know that the heavens are with thee.
I don't think anyone can determine whether he or she will age gracefully, it all depends on God's grace but i do feel when your youth is problem free, then surely you'll age gracefully.
I don't think anyone can determine whether he or she will age gracefully, it all depends on God's grace but i do feel when your youth is problem free, then surely you'll age gracefully.
Yes you have a point there, it takes God's grace to actually achieve this but then again what you do at your young age would also determine how you age. If you over work yourself now, you might not feel much right now but years later the side effects would show. The same thing if you do no eat healthy with the proper diet and daily exercise ( if possible) it would also affect your ageing.
Getting older and aging gracefully is really something everyone craves for. It's a good thing aging gracefully. I have a covenant with my creator to age gracefully because only him can give such a privilege to mankind.
Yes you have a point there, it takes God's grace to actually achieve this but then again what you do at your young age would also determine how you age. If you over work yourself now, you might not feel much right now but years later the side effects would show. The same thing if you do no eat healthy with the proper diet and daily exercise ( if possible) it would also affect your ageing.
Yeah, i agree with you on this one, what you do at your youth will certainly determine how you age.
Some people try to hold on to their youth with exercise, surgery, or medication. How do you feel about getting older? Will you age gracefully?
I am really hoping to age gracefully.
I try my best now to see that am making the right choices health-wise.
Sometimes I feel like I don't want to grow old, but then, it's only natural.
Everything in this world is temporary, beauty fades away , hair's turns grey, wethere you like it or not , it's happens , no matter how you live your life is just the matter of time, time will tell everything.
This is what almost everyone pray for always, for will love and like to very very well. With focus, determination, working on myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially and with God on my side I will
On my own views there's nothing like age gracefully because how you take care of yourself will determine how you will be. An the most importantly stop thinking about the past because it will only lead you to depression.
Ageing gracefully depends on what people eat, how they exercise, the kind of work they do and sometimes genetic characteristics can make an individual long young or old.
Ageing gracefully all start from how you take care of yourself while you are young, what you take eat, do and involve in all these more will tell if you will age gratefully or not. If one wants to age gratefully you take good care of yourself when you are young and with a lot of exercises
I feel what will make one age gracefully is rest of mind and when there is money to maintain your health status,at least going to the hospital for check up
There is nothing better than having adequate rest and peace of mind,because one ofthe things that disturb humans is the agitations that usually come along with the issue of trying to meet up with welfare and personal needs.
I just turned 27 - which is understandably still young, but it kind of hit me since 30 feels just around the corner. I often think back to how my mother's friends all seemed to have their lives together at 30 and I guess I do too. I work from home, have 3 kids, my own house, I'm married... sometimes I feel young, like I can't believe I'm in charge, then I think about how I do all these adult things everyday, don't procrastinate, get up early, etc. Also, the older I get, the less I want to hang out with people. I'd much rather stay home with a good book than to go out drinking these days. My husband is just a bit younger than me, but he's gone through the same transition I have, although having kids is probably part of us being so tired.

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