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Friends with those who are much older or younger than you.

Joshua Farrell

Stargate SG1 Fan
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Jul 20, 2016
Are you friends with anyone who is much older or younger than you? Does an age difference make it difficult to be friends?
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I like to consider myself a friendly person so I associate with both young and old but I associate more with older people because I think they are more exposed and experienced
I consider both very important because I will learn from those that are older than me and also been friends with my younger ones in order to teach them what they know and also to learn from them
I have moved with both young and older friends and I have seen a lot of difference and I feel moving with older friends is much more better because some younger friends really look up to you for advice and experience in life while older friends advice you and try to put you thru life.
When it comes to the issue of age,i don't think it really matter,because at the end of the day it will all boils down to what the individual can actually offer,whether young or old.
I have one friend who is much older than me, most of my other friends are of a similar age. Friendships with age gaps feel different somehow but they can still be very strong. Also, I think the older you get the less age gaps matter. For example, having a 55-year-old friend when you are 40 is much more viable than having a 30-year-old friend when you are 15, or vice versa.
Personally I do not think age difference makes any difference it just depends on the personality of the person. I have a few friends who are way older than me and I have lots of friends younger than me. It's just the personality that matters.
Age doesn't really matter in friendship, so far you are enjoying the friendship and you can feel the positive impact of if in your life. Usually it is even a nice idea to mix with people of age and experience, that way you can gain a lot.
A productive friend is welcome by me no matter the age you are, whether older or younger than me doesn't really matter,
Our society tends to place an emphasis on romantic relationships. We think that just finding that right person will make us happy and fulfilled. But research shows that friends are actually even more important to our psychological welfare. So when it comes to making friends, I strongly believe that we must be selective though and at the same time keep the window open for those who are far more older in age, so that we can tap from their wealth of wisdom, knowledge, discernment and experiences. Friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else.Personally, friendships with others have a huge impact on my mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health. Lack of social connection may pose as much of a risk as smoking, drinking too much, or leading a sedentary lifestyle. Friends are even tied to longevity.
For me, making friends with young and older are important in this life. Making friends with the older ones offers you so much benefits. At first, older ones have much experience in life than you, so you learn from their experience. Older friends seems to guide you in the right direction on issues of life. On the other hand, younger friends fives you the privilege of mentorship. You mentor lives and help the society to be a good place to live. Your younger friends see you as a role model if you are a role model. But whether young or old, we learn every day from any body. There may be something to learn also from the younger ones as well as the older ones.
I am the type that don't care about age when it comes to friendships ,I like both people who are younger and older than me ,as far as all of us will have good terms ,and have something to benefit from each other , friendship is all about benefit,when you don't benefit anything from your friend I don't think thats a good friend , friends with benefits
I make friends with both people who are older than me and those who are younger than me because we learn alot from people irrespective of their age.
I prefer to keep friends who are more older than I am. I tend to learn a lot from them through their experiences.
I agree with you, it is expected that an aged person should have alot of knowledge and experience to share. But I must add, age is not a guarantee for experience. A young person might have some experience on things that you have never seen before or been through. Have you ever wondered why most people making it today are the young ones?
When it comes to friendships it doesn't matter about age,it matters about who will be of more importan to you and add something good to your live.
Are you friends with anyone who is much older or younger than you? Does an age difference make it difficult to be friends?
I sometimes find it very difficult to make friends with people that are older than me I don't really know why, I am only able to make friend comfortably with people that are of my age mates but not necessarily when they are much more older.
I don't think the age matters too much in a friendship. If you are compatible with the respective person, you are getting along very well, and you are comfortable in his company, this is what matters the most.
I advised against it in some situations but at the end of the day it’s only friendship and nothing sexual is going on.

At the same time depending on the ages involved the friendship can get very toxic I was friends with a 16yo and I was 25 he was extremely immature and would say the weirdest things I had to get rid of him and another guy his 20 I’m 26 and that ended very badly too we had two different ways of communicating.

So age isn’t a huge issue when you are both over your mid 20s but in the early years from my experience it can be.
Making friends is not really my habit at all but for a fact I easier make friends mostly with guys and they are older than me majorly.
I only have few persons who are my friends that are younger not too much though

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