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Failure is the best teacher

Faliure is the best teacher because for example, if you have taken a wrong step before in doing something and you failed if eventually you try again you would later succeed in it because a great teacher have taught you which is failure. It will ehance you to know the wrong steps you have taken , the average ones you need to work on , in other to be successful.
I think they are apprehensive about others opinion about them on the off chance that they mishandle towards their objectives. They're reluctant to persevere through the torment of missing the mark: thus, they make fears their existence. Much to their dismay that disappointment is the best instructor. They avoid understanding their objectives or, more regrettable, they don't make a move in any case. I unquestionably have dreaded disappointment. Also, my dread has deadened me on occasion. On the off chance that you've encountered this, you realize the amount it sucks. However, disappointment should show us as well.
Failure is always a best teacher. It teaches morals. Learning is in faces. Either from other people's failure or your personal experience. Life teaches us big time when we fail. However, we learn every day. When one fall, it is always good to évaluate, learn and unlearn and relearn.
Failure is life's greatest teacher. “The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude towards failure of 'no fear'” .
Failure also gives us a lesson. It is upto individual to individual whether they learn from their failure or not and if they learn whether they take their failure in right sense or wrong sense.

Sometime your adverse situation,sorrow,hard time or your pain give you the best lesson for life.
There is no one super woman or super man anywhere. For as much we are humans regardless of the fact that we all put appearances of the perfect personality there is, we are still human with our frailties. If we learn from our failures, good. If not, too bad
Failures are inevitable, especially when you take a big risk to achieve ambitious goals. Recognize this before you begin. You will learn from your failures and they will only make you better. There is very little learning in success. Embrace failure and move on. Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
We work hard and sweat it out only so that we can achieve our goals and accomplish all that we had set out to. As we know, people lead different kinds of lifestyle and this lifestyle, whether good or bad, is a result of what they have achieved in life. Some people managed to achieve dizzying heights of success while some could not even fulfil any of their dreams. Success might give you a high that nothing else can but failure is the best and the biggest teacher in life.
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We work hard and sweat it out only so that we can achieve our goals and accomplish all that we had set out to. As we know, people lead different kinds of lifestyle and this lifestyle, whether good or bad, is a result of what they have achieved in life. Some people managed to achieve dizzying heights of success while some could not even fulfil any of their dreams. Success might give you a high that nothing else can but failure is the best and the biggest teacher in life.
I learnt this from my grandfather as he always told me that practices is often the best teacher as it is what exposes you to things which could in return turn out to be a failure or victory but either ways one is bound to happen
I disagree with you, failure is never the best teacher, it is more wise to learn from other people's failure to improve on your self from the experience you have gathered from other people's mistakes and failures.
Surely, learning from others mistakes helps you to avoid that same error they made but while you set out to put those learnings into practise some reality (your own) reality will come and that will shape you.
The world failure does not necessarily mean a crash (when it comes to business or real life situations), it's actually things that could have yielded better results, learning and understanding that is more of an improvement in how things is to be done and that it in itself a learning from experience
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Surely, learning from others mistakes helps you to avoid that same error they made but while you set out to put those learnings into practise some reality (your own) reality will come and that will shape you.
The world failure does not necessarily mean a crash (when it comes to business or real life situations), it's actually things that could have yielded better results, learning and understanding that is more of an improvement in how things is to be done and that it in itself a learning from experience
Experience is actually the best teacher and in those experience, we failed in many of them
They are the people who have the ideas of committing an error you have made already in the past or making profits off such errors. While it is not a fruitful and never-ending thank you for all of your actions, one thing is for sure of your situation: You would have a wide variety of potential answers, each one with its own collection of advantages and drawbacks.
Failure is sure the best teacher. When one fails at something he feels like it is a challenge and will try everything to make sure that he is up to task. Human beings do not like being challenged and when challenged they make sure they win the challenge. Failure also has a way of tea Bing us something we wouldn't have leanrt on a normal day.
Not not all failures are failures some of the failures are lessons for someone to learn, failure is a kind of listen someone need to learn in a hard way maybe you will not been able to learn it in uplifting ways.
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Not not all failures are failures some of the failures are lessons for someone to learn, failure is a kind of listen someone need to learn in a hard way maybe you will not been able to learn it in uplifting ways.
Is not everybody that fail before they have to get things right. Although is good when you fail and you look back to check what cause the failure and try to learn from it in order to make such a mistake next time.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Failure teaches us a lot of things, especially in my case when it hurt me so bad because I would definitely find ways to improve myself and learn all I can from that failure so I would succeed on my next attempt at it.
Failure is the best teacher
Because he who fail to plan,we plan to fail, in the this life , failure comes before achievement when you fail on a particular thing, you sit yourself down and think
By asking yourself a question
That did I do wrong
What steps do I take that made me a failure,by this you know where to start again and not be a victim of failure again in order to achieve success.
I disagree, failure is not the best teacher, you are your best teacher. If failure is the best teacher, we'd all be rolling in wealth because all it would take is just a mistake and every other step you take would be successful. But people make several mistakes and failures so it is definitely not the best teacher.
You need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will be failure, no matter how hard you try, so you shouldn't be 'afraid' of it either. ... Through failure, you will know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
The best teacher in the world of business is experience which has failure and success as its content. Failure most times is a very good reason to restart a business so that one gets better at it. It is good to fail but one must make a decision to stop failing by trying hard to beat it.
Failures are inevitable, especially when you take a big risk to achieve ambitious goals. Recognize this before you begin. You will learn from your failures and they will only make you better. There is very little learning in success. Embrace failure and move on. Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
Of course failure is the best teacher, we all learn from our mistakes, we also get to know which department we failed in our business and try to correct it next time to avoid future occurrence. It's not the end of the world rather an eye opener
I totally accept this saying that 'once beaten twice shy' cause no one prefer to fall or to be a failure so you will be enlighten and will see more reasons and think deeply on the steps you are to take so you not going to fail in anything you do cause everyone fears to fail. And once you mistakenly fail you won't want to repeat it again.

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