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Failure is the best teacher

,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
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Failure is best teacher the things which we learn from our mistakes and failures cannot understand from success in this we the best example for us is the king bruse who were succeeded in 9th attempt he learned from his failure so we say failure is best teacher ever in common language we called it experience
Sometimes a good teacher faces failure. His goodness leads him to failure. A good teacher is known for being soft-hearted and understanding of others.But his students and people take advantage of his sovereignty, which prevents him from getting the sustenance that is expected of him.
Come to think of it, no one can ever boost in life that he or she has never failed at something at one point in time in his or her life. It's a very common thing to fail and then get back up. To fail is not the problem but refusing to learn from your failure and getting back up stronger is the biggest problem.
in this society everyone need a chance to get back in his life and failure is a best teacher in life and give life very experence and give a good experence also failure also a good for making a men.
answering the question on Failure is the best teacher that was asked, yes failure is the best teacher ever, because when a business owner fails, the business owner will learn from the mistakes he made that lead him to fail, and would be cautious of it
failure is best teacher not only qoute its is a real truth because any one can learn from any failure planning he will build up her mind with more affection and never repeat the same mistake.
According to Solomon and I quote,ayou’ve never failed, you’ve never lived” is how the saying goes. Failure is probably one of the aspects in life most people are afraid of. But the truth is: everyone has failed, and everyone will fail again. We sometimes forget that all successful people have failed, but they did not stop after their failures. They stood up and tried again, time after time. We tend to think that people who are successful were just lucky, it just fell into their laps, or they just had the right connections.
A philosopher aid that if you are not fail you cannot get success. Failure is the best teacher that teaches you all the difficulties and hardships of life.If you start a business and your business get in lost you learn about it and next time you work it excited and learn all the new ideas
Yes failure is the best teacher who teach you in very good manner, it gives you encourage and teach you to learn from yiur mistakes and work on your attitude, go with positive attitude and get success. So yes mistakes and failures are best teachers
I totally agree with the OP. Some people see failure as a weakness, and I feel that just shows how weak those people are. People have to view failure as a valuable learning curve. A lot of today's billionaires failed before they hit the jackpot, some made their money and lost it many times over before they finally made it big.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Yes I can say this that failure will teach you much more than success and which is now that the failure you are talking about is not a must it comes from your end, some might come from the you as well but altogether it makes you learn how to engage with same issue or business, failure like it being teaches you the ways o how to learn more about the mistake made in the past and peradventure give you the way out of such issue whenever is a raise again.
Yes very true, mistakes and failures compell you to think about your weakness and also compell you to work hard and then you go with you better and you can do much better from previous attempt so it is definitely good teacher i think.
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On the contrary to everyone options I will start by saying failure is not the best teacher but part of the experience needed to forge ahead in every business. Therefore, when you fail do not see it as the end for you, stand back on your feet and continue your business.
yeah, totally. No one can really beat his chest and say he has never failed in anything ever. Anyone saying that must be the founder of lies. But at the long run, the major thing is learning from your failure, learning from your mistake, and more importantly, learning from them mistakes of others as this will prevent you from making yours.
That's exactly how it is currently with any human being that walks the earth. We are flawed by nature, and so we are bound to make mistakes, fail along the way and still get up at it after the little set back. It's only the lazy weak ones that would remain where they failed and chose to make it their comfort zone.

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answering the question on Failure is the best teacher that was asked, yes failure is the best teacher ever, because when a business owner fails, the business owner will learn from the mistakes he made that lead him to fail, and would be cautious of it
Exactly, the moment you start asking questions to yourself on why you failed, the mistakes that you made, what went wrong a long the line and how you are going to take care of it, then you are already on your way to fixing your failure and rise abi​
Failure is life’s greatest teacher. In order to grow, you need failure, it is life’s ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a ‘no fear’ attitude towards it. This does not mean you should expect to fail, but when it happens accept it. There is value in failure. Through failure, you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes. Failures make us rethink, reconsider and find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. ... Through failure, you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes
One thing I hear again and again from individuals is that they're hesitant to come up short. They're apprehensive about others' opinion about them on the off chance that they mishandle towards their objectives. They're reluctant to persevere through the torment of missing the mark: thus, they make fears their existence. Much to their dismay that disappointment is the best instructor.

They avoid understanding their objectives or, more regrettable, they don't make a move in any case. I unquestionably have dreaded disappointment. Also, my dread has deadened me on occasion. On the off chance that you've encountered this, you realize the amount it sucks. However, disappointment should show us, rather than deaden us.
You need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There will be failure, no matter how hard you try, so you shouldn't be 'afraid' of it either. ... Through failure, you will know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
I believe this, with failures we are learning to be better because we wouldn't want to experience another failure. Someone said to me before. You didn't know the feeling of success if you didn't know what failure feels like. It will teach us not to take everything for granted and to always improve ourselves
"In the event that you've never fizzled, you've never lived" is the way the maxim goes. Disappointment is presumably one of the perspectives in life a great many people fear. Be that as it may, in all actuality: everybody has fizzled, and everybody will bomb once more. We in some cases fail to remember that all fruitful individuals have fizzled, yet they didn't surrender.

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