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Failure is the best teacher

Failure of course is the best teacher .this is because if an individual starts a business and he or she fails at such business. Such individual will d d look back at those things that contributed to his d d his first attempt and will look for a of not falling into such failure again in his next endeavour.
There is value in failure. Through failure, you will get to know yourself better and you will learn from your mistakes. Failures make us rethink, reconsider, and find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.
The best teacher can very well fail when he or she stops practising or studying. We need to always update ourselves in whatever we are doing.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Yes you are right faliure is the best teacher because when you fail in anything you became more ambitious to do that work and get the success in it. Many people feel very bad after any failure and left that work but some people some people take it again as a challenge and get success after hardwork
The best teacher can very well fail when he or she stops practising or studying. We need to always update ourselves in whatever we are doing.
Failure is truly a very good teacher. No one will ever want to go back to where they were when they failed. So you learn from your mistakes and strive to never repeat them. You should never be afraid of failure, it is just a moment of learning.
Failures can only be good if valuable lessons are learnt from. You will keep improving if you learn from failures, whether yours or others.
I think everything that occurs in our life teaches us something whether success,failure,good time or hard time.
Failure also gives us a lesson. It is upto individual to individual whether they learn from their failure or not and if they learn whether they take their failure in right sense or wrong sense.
The best teacher can very well fail when he or she stops practising or studying. We need to always update ourselves in whatever we are doing.
failure as they say is not fatal . Failure makes us see areas in which improvements can be made.
Failure also helps us to bounce back and have a cursory look at what we did before and plan effectively for a greater achievement
I disagree with you, failure is never the best teacher, it is more wise to learn from other people's failure to improve on your self from the experience you have gathered from other people's mistakes and failures.
You have a very sound argument. Learning from other people's failures is the best. This so because failures on their own are not God to experience. It's better to learn from others.
Failure teaches you how to handle success. If you have not been in the dark, light won't have any meaning to you. When you fail, you leant well how to make success last longer because you won't want to go back to failure.
Well I believe failure to be also experience. Because if you look at they're quite the same. In business when u fail, you learn from your failure and that's all experience is all about. You learn from it. Do technically speaking failure is the same as experience.
I don't believe that failure is the best teacher but failure can also aid in ones success. Instead of failing first to succeed,why not try by all possible means to succeed at first start or instance of whatever you want to do.
Swami Failure is the best teacher because by failing again and again we learn from the the things that how to deal with this kind of thing in coming type of life so feeling in every part is a way of learning and staying away from the new condition I have seen that many of the people learn from their mistakes and now they are the successful person and Businessman in their life.
yeah, totally. No one can really beat his chest and say he has never failed in anything ever. Anyone saying that must be the founder of lies. But at the long run, the major thing is learning from your failure, learning from your mistake, and more importantly, learning from them mistakes of others as this will prevent you from making yours.
That's exactly how it is currently with any human being that walks the earth. We are flawed by nature, and so we are bound to make mistakes, fail along the way and still get up at it after the little set back. It's only the lazy weak ones that would remain where they failed and chose to make it their comfort zone.
Failure is the best teacher that turn a foresee business to be successful. The cement business that I did as my first business , I experienced failure at long run when book for consignment and by the time it came out the price has fall drastically. With that experience any time want to ventures in a business I usually study the trend if the business before dable into it so that I will not be a looser at long run.
I don't believe in that school of thought that failure or when you fail in any venture is the best teacher. You can learn from other people's experience or an experience of a mentor, teacher or a guidance. You don't need to experience it yourself before you learn.
I have this commitment that the disappointment you are discussing is anything but an unquestionable requirement it comes from your end, some may come from the you too however through and through it causes you to figure out how to draw in with same issue or business, disappointment like it being shows you the ways o how to study the mix-up made before and peradventure give you the exit from such issue at whatever point is a raise once more.

Indeed disappointment is a best educating in light of the fact that it let you understand what's directly based on what's going on and furthermore right you from your errors and furthermore let you understand what you shouldn't do and when anything happens it lets you to know what next you ought to do prior to escaping hands and also you will not need what happen then happen again to you.
Faliure is the best teacher because for example, if you have taken a wrong step before in doing something and you failed if eventually you try again you would later succeed in it because a great teacher have taught you which is failure. It will ehance you to know the wrong steps you have taken , the average ones you need to work on , in other to be successful.

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