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Failure is the best teacher

You are right, failure is the best teacher, if you are doing things like forex trading you'll definitely come across a lot of challenges that might lure you down.
You are right, failure is the best teacher, if you are doing things like forex trading you'll definitely come across a lot of challenges that might lure you down.
That's true,I'm a forex trader an u must say it's not that easy, you'll face a lot of changes especially if you are starting it for the very first time, if care is not taken you might even quit.
You are right, failure is the best teacher, if you are doing things like forex trading you'll definitely come across a lot of challenges that might lure you down.
The failure at the same time is also experience . All the challenges you may be facing if you are engaging in forex is experience you also have to learn from.
The failure at the same time is also experience . All the challenges you may be facing if you are engaging in forex is experience you also have to learn from.
Failure is also an experience but a bitter part of experience that makes you look back at your mistakes and not want the issue to happen again , so we learn more from our mistakes than our success .
That's true,I'm a forex trader an u must say it's not that easy, you'll face a lot of changes especially if you are starting it for the very first time, if care is not taken you might even quit.
Wow that's sounds good, I believe you have earned a considerable amount of money trading the forex market, if you have the good knowledge you can earn money on the market
Failure is also an experience but a bitter part of experience that makes you look back at your mistakes and not want the issue to happen again , so we learn more from our mistakes than our success .
So , do you really think that it is more advisable for us to learn from failure or experience ? because I believe that learning from experience is much more better than having to fail before you have to learn a lesson.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Yes mistakes make you stronger the only thing you need to do is learn from them many people give up because they fail fail and fail but they don't learn from their mistakes I know that failing is annoying and flustering that's why you need to learn from mistakes
Wow that's sounds good, I believe you have earned a considerable amount of money trading the forex market, if you have the good knowledge you can earn money on the market
Yes, if you have the knowledge you on how the financial market works you can earn a considerable amount of money from it, but if you don't have the knowledge you'll lose a lot of money.
Yes, if you have the knowledge you on how the financial market works you can earn a considerable amount of money from it, but if you don't have the knowledge you'll lose a lot of money.
That's true, a lot of people out there have loose a lot of money because they don't have the proper knowledge, if you want to succeed trading this market you need to have the knowledge.
Yes, I completely agree with what you've said, if you are failling you'll definitely get it right if you take good actions, I have failed countless of times but I'm still trying to get it right.

I think that many people do not view themselves as people who have failed. It all depends on the mindset. Many successful people realise that they can make mistakes but mistakes help you to learn new things.
I have never for once considered failure as the best teacher although I would say it's part of it though. I think experience remains the best teacher because it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's still experience.
Yes failure is the best teacher, if you are faliing you'll learn a lot of things that's if you continue, but if you give up there's no way you can learn, before you can succeed you need to pass through failure.
Yes failure is the best teacher, if you are faliing you'll learn a lot of things that's if you continue, but if you give up there's no way you can learn, before you can succeed you need to pass through failure.
Success can also be a good teacher to you just that the lesson learnt from the perspective of failure is more effective than that from success. But in all, experience is the best teacher.
Success can also be a good teacher to you just that the lesson learnt from the perspective of failure is more effective than that from success. But in all, experience is the best teacher.
You are right, if you have experience You can succeed, but if you are failing you'll learn a lot of things, if you don't want to fail you are expected to learn before you can invest your time or money.
Although failing won't kill you, your fear of failing might prevent you from succeeding. Failure, however, does not imply that your concept or desire are invalid or unattainable. Failure simply indicates that there is something to be learned or that a different course of action should be chosen.
That's true, a lot of people out there have loose a lot of money because they don't have the proper knowledge, if you want to succeed trading this market you need to have the knowledge.
Having the knowledge of trading is very important, there's no way you can succeed in trading without having the good knowledge of what you are doing.
Having the knowledge of trading is very important, there's no way you can succeed in trading without having the good knowledge of what you are doing.
If you are a forex trader and you don't have the full knowledge you might lose a lot of money, that's why you need to have the full knowledge and experience before investing your hard earn money.
You are right, if you have experience You can succeed, but if you are failing you'll learn a lot of things, if you don't want to fail you are expected to learn before you can invest your time or money.
Failure bus actually inevitable in whatever we are doing. Do it's not something we should even try avoiding totally but work hard to decrease in occurrence rate.
If you are a forex trader and you don't have the full knowledge you might lose a lot of money, that's why you need to have the full knowledge and experience before investing your hard earn money.
That's just the fact, all forex traders don't make it that way, you need to know what exactly it is before you can go ahead and invest your money on it, but a lot of people don't get this.
I agree with you that failure is the Best teacher in one condition which is when you appreciate that experience is the best teacher. Meaning when you use that failure experience and make a better solution that last positively

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