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Failure is the best teacher

I do not believe that failure is the ultimate teacher because there are some people that have driven their business from zero to millions of Dollars without having to fill even for once . It is also no guarantee that failure develop character.
Learning is stimulated by a desire to be better, to do things in the best possible way to obtain good results; if you fail, you will have the opportunity to improve while taking into account what you learned in your previous experience. We learn everyday and remember that everyone you meet on this planet will have a knowledge of something which you do not.
Failure is great teacher because it will help you to know how to start your business again, because when one fall at something you can actually learn from that, is only way you survive in this world.
Whenever you fail at a particular thing it has taught you the things that you need to avoid whenever you are going forward and that is why it is regarded as the best teacher all around.
Though people keep saying we learn from our failure more , and some says failure is part of experience which is always true , but we dont tend to look into our mistakes when we succeed.
I believe that experience is going to teach you much more but then failure is the ultimate teacher because you have already experienced something that you should not be and you will hope to avoid it.
The two of them are actually very different in terms of experience and failure but as a business person the most important thing to you is gaining as much experience as possible.
Failure is simply the best teacher because we always look back and try very hard To work on our mistake , and when we realsises that we are fit again, we decided to do the business again
Actually failure is the best teacher, because it's the fundamental of your experience. if you do not fail, you can never have experience so unless you fail you will learn.
Actually failure is the best teacher, because it's the fundamental of your experience. if you do not fail, you can never have experience so unless you fail you will learn.
We don't tend to think about the mistakes we make when we succeed in any business even in the exam ,we tend to forget everything , but we think when we fail and we apply another startegy.
It is a shame so many people can't take failure in stride today. I know so many people who gave up on their dreams because the first thing they tried failed. Most people will fail the first, second, or even a third time before they succeed at anything.
Failure will definitely make you sit very tight and you will be very determined not to fail again and that is the major reason why failure will make you learn very quickly and in a very hard way.
Actually failure is the best teacher and such came in different capacities depending on how you undertake your business. Alot of people learned from their mistakes and that becomes their experience.
Whenever you fail at a particular thing it has taught you the things that you need to avoid whenever you are going forward and that is why it is regarded as the best teacher all around.
That's an experience. Automatically when you fail in anything you do, you automatically have an idea of how to do it better next time. I believe that experience is still the best teacher.
I also believe that the perfect way in which you can be able to learn about something is if you have experienced it and failed because you are not going to be repeating that mistake again.
I believe that you still need to learn a lot of things if you have failed in that particular thing and that is ultimately the best teacher that you can ever be able to get.
For sure, failure has been some many peoples teacher in the sense that, once they fail the check out there errors to be perfect for another time and that also makes them more wiser.
Yes failure is the best teacher. Good, genuine and unending success can only come when you fail multiple times. You learn when you fail but you will fail to succeed if you refuse to accept failure when it comes. Experience is mostly gathered through failure.
Well I am amazed to here that failure is the best teacher I used hear of experience is the best teacher,I totally disagree that failure is the best teacher,one could keep failing without learning to do the right thing except he applies wisdom,so to me wisdom is the best teacher
Failure is life's ultimate teacher that instills discipline and growth. You need to fail at certain point so as to scout for new strategies to brin solutions to your problems
Yes failure is a great teacher because it can help you to know the wrong step and you will never follow it again in your business, and it's will help you to plan well whenever you are starting another business.

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