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Failure is the best teacher

Failure is the best teacher for those would learn from ones mistakes.Those who do not learn from that mistakes don't count it as mistakes.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

how true! but you have to learn from the mistakes you made to get to that point. that if you have 10 businesses and they all fail, you can go crazy and not give it to other health problems ...
Failure is indeed the best teacher. Failur gives room for growth and improvement. When one fails, one is determined to learn from one's mistakes and work harder in other not to fall again.
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. Through failure you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
It's only a fool that wouldn't learn from failure. If you check out the life story of most the biggest earners in the world, they experienced this thing called failure.
well, you are talking like an empiricist but I am a rationalists and I will not believe that. You do not need to fail before you learn a lesson, you can simply learn from others and think about the consequences of failure, this will prevent you from failing in any way.
You've made a good point. You must not necessarily have to experience the pains of failing before you can learn lessons when you can simply learn from experiences of others.
Well I don't really know much about failure is the best teacher because I have always grown up to know that is it experience that is actually the best teacher and not failure so I don't know
It's actually the same thing, many people tend to separate one from another but when looking at it from another angel, failing is simply part of your experience. So the right thing to say is experience is the best teacher, I don't know if you understand what I am trying to say.
Failing at something is part of one's experience. It therefore teaches the person involved a lot,and for someone who's determined to do better will see it as a stepping stone to success.
Failure is an experience. It is a teacher too, anyone who is willing to learn from failed experiences and use it to an advantage is bound to succeed.
You are right,failure is the best teacher, it teaches us lesson to know how we will follow the right steps to succeed next time,because we already know the cause of the mistake.
When failure steered at you, the next thing Is to develop the best strategy to get back up. This is the major reasons why failure would not only make you learn, but it will make you learn in the hard way.
Though we don't always succeed in everything we set aside our minds to do , but we shouldn't wait Everytime to fail before we can learn, we should always try to learn from the experience and expertise of people who has gone ahead of us in different aspects of life so we don't also make the same mistakes they must have made early in their career or are even making now.
Failure is the best teacher even though it depends on the person willingness to make amendments. thete are some people who will fail and then give up on what they are doing which is not good buy try to make correction which will helped you in the future.
Though we don't always succeed in everything we set aside our minds to do , but we shouldn't wait Everytime to fail before we can learn, we should always try to learn from the experience and expertise of people who has gone ahead of us in different aspects of life so we don't also make the same mistakes they must have made early in their career or are even making now.
Life is like a football match in which we win and sometimes we loose , so its easier to learn better from your defeat and prepare well next time to face the same businesses and win.
Though we don't always succeed in everything we set aside our minds to do , but we shouldn't wait Everytime to fail before we can learn, we should always try to learn from the experience and expertise of people who has gone ahead of us in different aspects of life so we don't also make the same mistakes they must have made early in their career or are even making now.
A lot of people believe that the best way to succeed is to fail, well I don't even know why they believes this, but to me I do not consider it that way. Experience is just the best teacher for me because even if you are failing in a business organisation it is your experience that really makes you to succeed next time.
Sometimes people may accept such facts depending on their experience. failure tries to teach you so many things that will lead to experience and for that, you will never want to fail again.
Using a student that failed a course as an example, the student will go back to the drawing board and look for the reasons whe he failed and since he knows the possible solution, he is experienced and know where to answer any question .
Actually failure is the best teacher though it depends on how individuals sees it. If you dont fail you can never learned and when you fail you will never like such to repeat itself.
Failure is an essential part of success. It can be very hot to achieve success without experiencing some failures in the past. Who ever achieve success without failure will eventually experience biggest failure in the future. Failure prepare you with the experience to succeed in the future.
This does not necessarily mean that somebody has to test failure before they can ever be successful but instead anybody that has failed in a particular thing is never going to be able to fail again provided that he takes that correction.
Falling and failing in business would strengthen your spirits and will make you a better business man if given similar chances. You will be very careful of failing again.
Failure is the reason for experience because if don't fail you can never have an experience. when you fail you try not let such kind of failure to repeat itself and for that you have learned.

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