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Failure is the best teacher

People learn in business in various ways but learning through failure is the best. People tends not to repeat or makes the same mistakes that cause a major failure of their business.
This is absolutely true, when you fail at something, you would definitely have known about the wrong steps you took and will successfully plan a better alternative to those wing steps to achieve success when you try again. Alot of people confuse failure to be the opposite of success but very few people know that failure is actually a step to achieving success.
Producer failure is the best teacher but I don't see it as a best teacher because most times not everyone can get out of failure except been motivated to be able to leave that situation.
Like someone said, if you fail 20 times at something, you've only discovered 20 ways that your idea won't work. Failure sometimes boosts experience.
But it's better to learn from the failure and mistakes of other because sometimes your failure can be very costly
People learn in business in various ways but learning through failure is the best. People tends not to repeat or makes the same mistakes that cause a major failure of their business.
In a classroom with the subject of business, who would you invite to speak as a guest - a business tycoon who got rich in his successful business or a poor man who lost all his money in the failed business? You can invite only 1 and I guess you already know the best speaker for the students.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Thank you very much for this wonderful information. Thanks for sharing from the experiences of Bill Gates how failure has become the best teacher. Bill Gates today is know as one of the richest person in America and I think all over the world with billions of dollars.
failure can teach you, but this does not mean you will not fail again. You will just understand that people who attempt something fail and those who do not attempt will never fail.
People learn in business in various ways but learning through failure is the best. People tends not to repeat or makes the same mistakes that cause a major failure of their business.
Its true that people learn from failure,but for me I will advice that you dont need to allow failure to occure in your business before you can learn from it,its some time risky and you can loss your business if you didnt realise it on time and stige the leakage
It's very important to note that when we fail at something we have acquired knowledge on how to do things differently which is a step closer to success.
There are those who have failed that did not learn any lesson from their failure. So to say failure is the best teacher I will not agree.
you don't necessarily need to fill before you can become successful but If you encounter failure then you should learn from it.
Every lesson delivered depends on the recipient of the lesson. Sometimes we tend to be very confident in ourselves and realise that we didn't realise when we had that realistic amount of confidence. Helps us re-access the way we view things and change our perspective for the betterment of ourselves and for our business. Failure is surely the best teacher. True success is achieved after multiple series of failure and from each failure India a lesson is learnt.
Failure is life's greatest teacher
“The quickest road to success is to possess an attitude towards failure of 'no fear'” – Ralph Heath, author of Celebrating Failure: The Power of Taking Risks, Making Mistakes and Thinking Big. In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson.
This is actually a fact and most persons that has gone out to really succeeed have had similar stories of failure to tell.but what about the situation of learning from someone's else mistakes and save yourself the experience of bad memories.I will choose the latter.
To some extent I will agree with you but I prefer saying *Experience is the best teacher* it's not necessary for you to Gail before you learn, you can learn from other people's failure. Also when you are successful you learn.
Its true that people learn from failure,but for me I will advice that you dont need to allow failure to occure in your business before you can learn from it,its some time risky and you can loss your business if you didnt realise it on time and stige the leakage
Its when you failed that you learned, and people did not fail because they want to learn, but after failing they go back to the drawing board and decided not to allow the failure happened in their life anymore.
To some extent I will agree with you but I prefer saying *Experience is the best teacher* it's not necessary for you to Gail before you learn, you can learn from other people's failure. Also when you are successful you learn.
Same with me, it is not the failure that matters but the success. If you want to succeed in business you consult successful business owners and I don't think you will consult the losers for their experience of losing. What can you get from that? It is really a silly idea to give importance to failure.
If one is actually comparing between success and failure, which one of them is the best teacher then it's definitely failure. If someone hasn't tested failure he would take world common and easy, but we should note that both failure and success are still part of experience which is actually the best teacher
There is no doubt that fail your teachers day for a lot of things both in business and in life but at the same time it is important to have experience.
From what u said I wanted to know is it really compulsory to fail in other to achieve success,well I know that failure is a stage of life though,that virtually every one passes through
From what u said I wanted to know is it really compulsory to fail in other to achieve success,well I know that failure is a stage of life though,that virtually every one passes through
Well I don't really think it's a must to fail before you achieve success, though the only Advantage I see in failing is that it gives you more experience, on how to deal with various issues, and it builds you to be better on how you react and deal with certain issues.
failure is the best teacher ,yes that's very true ,failure is one of the major steps that leads to your success ,one can learn allot from his failure or mistakes ,there is also a saying that says a life spend failing is better than the life doing noting

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