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Failure is the best teacher

Seriously speaking failure is the best teacher, I quite agreed with this, because if you fail you tend to adjust immediately afterwards.

Once you feel a particular subject or tax once you will turn to ashes and you will learn your mistakes and you correct your lapses and work on them next time so it's not all about success success success all the way you came to feel to check your loopholes and work on them so feel your being the best teacher is actually good because it teaches you what you ought to know that you didn't know at earlier and you are to feel for instance a subject the fail-in the university.
Having experience to me is definitely the best way in which someone can do something perfectly and make something out of it which means experience is definitely the best teacher.
Having experience to me is definitely the best way in which someone can do something perfectly and make something out of it which means experience is definitely the best teacher.
I fully agree that the adage of experience as the best teacher is the correct one. When you have a start up, do you consult the failed business owners or would you prefer to learn from the successful business owners? I really think that this topic is wrong because failure gives us a lesson in failure and not in success.
Very correct. In other words, failure is an opportunity to learn more in the sense that you would be motivated and moved to find out the cause and with that you might end up getting new ideas on how to tackle that problem to get a different and better results
Exactly. There is a saying that says that if you succeed then you are unlikely to change anything because it is working for you, but if you fail and change something you could potentially achieve a better result than you could have if you had succeeded the first time.
Those who are determined to achieve success through business doesn't fear failure, infact they learn through it to become more motivated toward achieving success.
Failure is the best teacher and in other words you mean experience. You failed and you learnt, but it doesn't mean failure is your friend
Failure, believe it or not, is a gift.
It will always teach you one of two things: If you’re doing something wrong, and when to fix it. And secondly, when something is just not for you... and it’s time to move on.
Failing once means nothing, it just shows you need to work on certain aspects of your business (or anything for that matter) and try a completely different approach.
But once you’ve done that, and things still aren’t improving, failure can push you to try again. That’s good, it never hurts to keep trying,
But if no matter which way you turn or every angle you try from you see no change, no improvement, no results, that’s when you need to take a step back and look directly at the timeline.
Have you been going at it for a year? Keep trying..
2 years, same thing.
But when you’re seeing something through for like 4-5 years and not one thing has changed even though everything you’ve done has involved change, that’s the universe telling you something... through failure. The message is: You are in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, dealing with the wrong people, and this was just not meant for you. And when you walk away, the relief you will feel...
Time to start a new chapter, and failure will be nowhere in sight.
Exactly. There is a saying that says that if you succeed then you are unlikely to change anything because it is working for you, but if you fail and change something you could potentially achieve a better result than you could have if you had succeeded the first time.
Exactly, the key is to never give up. Once you have a goal and dream, stick to it until you get there. If you Succeed in your first try, don't let it get to you, be humble and keep on learning. If you do not in your first try, keep trying and never give up
I wouldn't agree that failure is the best teacher rather failure is like a propeller to do better next time. It takes determination to accept failure and still try that same thing you have once failed at. You don't have to fail before you learn a lesson and one can fail without learning a lesson from that failure experience.
Concerning failure is the best teacher. For every man in life, failure is always or also a process that leads to victory because failure at times makes an individual acknowledge his mistakes and wrongs, when this is known, he knows where to adjust, do what is right and attain success at the end. Everyman who has a success story has failed story to also tell
I understand where you are coming from by saying that failure can be a stepping stone to one success but in my own opinion it is not compulsory that you must fill first before you can become successful because that is the reason why there is learning so that we can avoid any situation that will make us to fill first before we can become successful.
I don't think failure is indeed a best teacher. There are more ways people can learn in life than just making mistakes and getting corrected.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
of course failure i th best teacher in life,because if you think you arr the best and you knkw it all, without nk records of ny failure so far is not as good as someone who had failed before in that same business I guess.
If to you, you feel failure is the best teacher in making sucess, fine, but that does not mean you should be looking forward to fail before you make it in your business
you have said it perfectly for me I do not see the need for faily to be the best teacher in my life because no one will ever like to experience failure in any aspect of their life, is not the best for me
I believe that everything that happens in our lives, whether success, failure, happy times, or bad times, teaches us something. Failure also teaches us something. It is up to the person whether they learn from their failures or not, and if they do, whether they interpret their failures correctly or incorrectly.
Agreed very right and aslo on point as well. If one fails in something, he can always look back to it and try not to repeat that step that made him fail
Failure is the best teacher not experience. In experience you will only know what you see. But when we fail. For a serious person. He will want to know why he failed. What he did wrong that made him to fail. And how not to commit the errors in other not to fail again. Doing this he will eventually learn many new things.
Failure is the best teacher of course, once you fail it will become an experience to you if you are a wise person. If you fail in a new business, starting the business again you are not starting from scratch but you are starting from experience
Failure is the best teacher of course, once you fail it will become an experience to you if you are a wise person. If you fail in a new business, starting the business again you are not starting from scratch but you are starting from experience
True, the reason why most persons do not succeed is because they see failure as a dead end. Once they fail they give up. Instead of learning from it and trying to find out what they did wrong.
Although failure is truly the best teacher , because when the person fails , the person would find means and medium to be able to strategies and make the thing sucessful
I don't even think we have any successful business person that has never failed one time or the other. The ability to learn from this failure makes one a successful being.

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