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Failure is the best teacher

This is absolutely true, when you fail at something, you would definitely have known about the wrong steps you took and will successfully plan a better alternative to those wing steps to achieve success when you try again. Alot of people confuse failure to be the opposite of success but very few people know that failure is actually a step to achieving success.
Celio however it is not the best teacher who helps you to know areas which you're not good at and also enables you to develop such areas.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Loll... I love the quote, success is not final; and failure is not fatal. I.e even though up you are successful, it doesn't end there and if you fail it doesn't stop you from continuing.
Failure won't kill you but your fear to fail just may keep you from success. ... But failure doesn't mean your idea wasn't valid or that your dream isn't good enough. Failure simply means there is something to be learned or another direction to be taken.
I don't actually believe that failure is the best teacher for everyone as if failure is actually the best teacher for everything and then they would actually be no need for education as education is meant to teach people so as to avoid any trial by error method or strategy which most times leads to failure.
Experience is always the best teacher because when you have experience of a particular thing you understand about it, you are not likely to fail and something you have an understanding about, well you can only lead to loss of goods and money when its occur
Failure is part of learning and life as well. Failures made by some people have made them into a better version of themselves.
This is indeed true, as failure is not the final answer, or the end of the road but it is just a turn in the road. Many persons see failure as the end,but if they can get a mindset to always learn from their failures, they would go far. All the great people today didnt get it in one try, they kept on trying and trying
It is good to fail sometimes. Failure brings out the best in you. It enable you retrace your steps, offers you diverse solutions that you did not think of initially. Success is defined by many failure. Do not take failure as a death sentence
Failure is a very painful event that happens when we do not expect it due to our fault or something that is beyond our control. We tends to learn with our heart when we lose something through failure. So, failure is the best teacher.
Failure indeed is the best teacher. Without you failing at a particular thing you might not the value of what you attain just at the first try
Failure indeed is the best teacher. Without you failing at a particular thing you might not the value of what you attain just at the first try
This is very true, and for many people they try not to fail at all and view failure as a big downfall, but we as humans tend to be wired to learn more from a failure than success.
This is absolutely true, when you fail at something, you would definitely have known about the wrong steps you took and will successfully plan a better alternative to those wing steps to achieve success when you try again. Alot of people confuse failure to be the opposite of success but very few people know that failure is actually a step to achieving success.
You got it right. The reason why so many persons do not succeed after experiencing failure is because they fail to learn from their mistake, rather they get stock in that mistake. As someone once said. Failure is the best teacher but it could also be your downfall, depending on how you take it.
Well failure on it's own it's a great teacher, there are just so many and much things to learn but there is need to know that failure does not mean that you won't succeed but even as fail you need to rise and learn from your mistakes.
You got it right. The reason why so many persons do not succeed after experiencing failure is because they fail to learn from their mistake, rather they get stock in that mistake. As someone once said. Failure is the best teacher but it could also be your downfall, depending on how you take it.
Failing to learn from your mistake is actually the biggest mistake that you can make. When you make a mistake you have to go and analyse everything that you have done up to that point and try and see which action specifically is likely to have caused the negative outcome.
Failing to learn from your mistake is actually the biggest mistake that you can make. When you make a mistake you have to go and analyse everything that you have done up to that point and try and see which action specifically is likely to have caused the negative outcome.
Very correct. In other words, failure is an opportunity to learn more in the sense that you would be motivated and moved to find out the cause and with that you might end up getting new ideas on how to tackle that problem to get a different and better results
This is absolutely true, when you fail at something, you would definitely have known about the wrong steps you took and will successfully plan a better alternative to those wing steps to achieve success when you try again. Alot of people confuse failure to be the opposite of success but very few people know that failure is actually a step to achieving success.
Most times failure is not the better teacher but learning from other people's experience is the better teacher so one should always learn from other people's experience because failure slow you down and I can prevent you from getting to points that you supposed to get to if you learn from people's experience.
This is the reason why it is being said that if you want to achieve success fast in any endeavour we should double the rate of your failure. The reason is that you learn faster from your failure than having someone teaching you. I use this approach in most of the things I do.
If to you, you feel failure is the best teacher in making sucess, fine, but that does not mean you should be looking forward to fail before you make it in your business
If to you, you feel failure is the best teacher in making sucess, fine, but that does not mean you should be looking forward to fail before you make it in your business
Exactly . We can learn by reading about what we want to enter into , we can also learn from what happened to other people.
My preacher (may his soul rest in peace) used to say if you've not faced failure in life then you haven't achieved your full potentials yet
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. Through failure you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
Of course it is good to failed, but we also need to understand that when we keep failing is a sign that there is something that we are getting it wrong, so when this happened we need to go back and check our steps.

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