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Failure is the best teacher

Failure is a great tool we can use to chart a better course and refine our strategy. Usually with some tweaks and changes to our game plan, we can dust off our pants and get back in the ring. Keep going and you will find success.

People are often so afraid they’ll fail at something that they don’t try. Don’t be one of those people. Everyone has failed at something in his or her life, but not everyone tries again and again. You don’t want to look back at your dreams one day and think on what could have been. But, dreams don’t work unless you do. Pick yourself up, and get back to work. World hard every day to reach your goals and you will. As I always say, “Success is never owned. It’s rented and the rent is due every day.”
You are very right, experience is the best teacher, no matter how things are explained to you, you won't understand until you experience it yourself. What you experience is more effective than what you did not experience. But we must try as much as we can to avoid ugly experiences.
In life is either you win or you learn.
It looks absurd, but that's just the truth. When you fail once or twice, it will motivate you not to make the mistake that made you fail again.
You begin to work on your self, you begin to improve yourself. Failure is not a crime, but it is a crime if one fails and doesn't improve.
Failure is the best teacher because you will have to gain experience from it, so as succeed and then use it to mentor those ones that are young and upcoming, with that you will be able to get the best of life.
"In the event that you've never fizzled, you've never lived" is the means by which the adage goes. Disappointment is likely one of the perspectives in life the vast majority fear. Be that as it may, truly: everybody has fizzled, and everybody will flop once more. We once in a while fail to remember that all effective individuals have fizzled, yet they didn't stop after their disappointments. They stood up and attempted once more, on numerous occasions. We will in general believe that individuals who are fruitful were simply fortunate, it just fell into their laps, or they just had the correct associations.
Anyone who is scared of failure does not go far in life because he will not like to try, and if you don't tey, there is no way you can be perfect. Failure leads to perfection if the person involved is one who needs to advice and guidance and is ready to learn.
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Must people today take failure as a challenge but failure is a lesson to learn more . the more u fail the more you improve on that acpect
When you always do one thing what is that thing that makes you to fail . how can you tarkel that on your own ways what will be the solution for it how can you prevent that from happening again.so failure is a teacher.
Yes I think, failure is a basic key of success, you cannot become a successful in business or job until you do not face difficulties or make mistakes. Failure teach a good lesson that you cannot seek in any book or website. When you fail, you have done your first step to goal I think. I advised you to make something new while you don't have any experience of it.
I understand your point of view that failure is the best teacher, it opens your reasoning faculty to think aright, failure sometimes helps us to consider doing things in a different way y thinking outside the box
Even though as we all have seen failure is the best teacher and of course leads to experience. But do not take it that failure is the best teacher and they have for you want to fell so that you will see how it feels, always do your best to win at any point in time. Not every successful person has encountered failure.
Yes failure is the best teacher because in life at times if you don’t fail you won’t succeed so failure will give you more power to push through moreover failure will give you more energy to work hard in life,women being must learn how to face failure in life
Failure is the greatest teacher, yes, when we fail sometimes it's like a reset mechanism that gives us opportunity to see our flaws and then that we can do things differently, failure sometimes awaken our innovation
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. ... Through failure, you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
I garee with that, To me failure is the best teacher because if you don't fail at certain point in life, you won't discover a new strategy to survive, when you fail, you will know what you did wrong, so that next time you won't make such mistakes again
Failures are inevitable, especially when you take a big risk to achieve ambitious goals. Recognize this before you begin. You will learn from your failures and they will only make you better. There is very little learning in success. Embrace failure and move on. Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
Failure is not a good thing though..but whenever you fail, you should learn to make it a source of strength to you. Failure doesn't mean it is the end. You should always learn from your failure because there in, there are lessons you learn that won't make you fail again
It is simply the best teacher. If one do not fail, one will never increase in knowledge. Lack of failure sometimes could make one limit their understand or existing knowledge. Failure and trying to make amendments could result to exploration and create more exposure.
Failure is truly the best teacher, I mean we learn from our mistakes if you don't fail, I feel you cannot become better, it is ok for you to make mistakes or fail at a certain point in life because it is what makes us stronger we should always learn to move on when we fail and try to learn the lesson in which that failure taught us so that we can become better in whatever we do.
Pardon me but I disagree with the title because that would mean that successful people who did not experience failure are not really experienced at all. For me, it is still experience as the best teacher whether it is failure or success. In cooking we learn from the chef on the right way to cook. The chef need not experience burning food to learn.

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