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Failure is the best teacher

Hassan Wahid

New member
Jan 30, 2021
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. Through failure you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Come to think of it, no one can ever boost in life that he or she has never failed at something at one point in time in his or her life. It's a very common thing to fail and then get back up. To fail is not the problem but refusing to learn from your failure and getting back up stronger is the biggest problem.
Failure won't kill you but your fear to fail just may keep you from success. ... But failure doesn't mean your idea wasn't valid or that your dream isn't good enough. Failure simply means there is something to be learned or another direction to be taken.
In order to grow, you need failure, it is life's ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, so you might as well have a 'no fear' attitude towards it. ... Through failure, you will get to know yourself better, and you will learn from your mistakes
Michael Jordan once said I quote , “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Failure then becomes a means to an end, rather than an end in and of itself. In other words, failure is a part of the journey toward success. Everyone fails at one time or another, the courage part comes in continuing to try.
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
well, you are talking like an empiricist but I am a rationalists and I will not believe that. You do not need to fail before you learn a lesson, you can simply learn from others and think about the consequences of failure, this will prevent you from failing in any way.
Concerning failure is the best teacher. For every man in life, failure is always or also a process that leads to victory because failure at times makes an individual acknowledge his mistakes and wrongs, when this is known, he knows where to adjust, do what is right and attain success at the end. Everyman who has a success story has failed story to also tell
I have this contribution that the failure you are talking about is not a must it comes from your end, some might come from the you as well but altogether it makes you learn how to engage with same issue or business, failure like it being teaches you the ways o how to learn more about the mistake made in the past and peradventure give you the way out of such issue whenever is a raise again.
Failure is life's ultimate teacher that instills discipline and growth. You need to fail at certain point so as to scout for new strategies to brin solutions to your problems
,Failure is the best teacher, we can understand this quote by history
Of bill gates
Have you ever driven across one of those weird black cables that stretched across the road measuring traffic by counting tire bumps? So did Bill Gates and a few of his friends. This is why he founded Traf-O-Data.

This system recorded traffic information and fed it back to government authorities, civil engineers and others that needed it. Like other inventions that had hyphens and capital 'O's in its name, the concept ultimately failed. Maybe 'Traf-O-Rama' would have been better branding.
Another success qoute is
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Many that have went out to succeed in life had one phase of failure or another. They didn't allow that deter them from pushing to become something in life and such is the encouraging word that success is the best way of saying no to failure. I believe that not giving up even amidst challenges is the best way to go.
As for me yes failure is a best teaching because it let you know what's right from what's wrong and also correct you from your mistakes and also let you know what you shouldn't do and when anything happens it lets you to know what next you should do before getting out of hands and moreover you won't want what happen then happen again to you
Failure cannot be the best teacher. You have to learn from your failure but not necessary have to be the best teacher. I have always told people that observation is a better teacher than experience and failure.
Failure is a good teacher and no doubting that but it is not the best teacher. For me i rather learn from success and enjoy the thrill that comes with it. But if failure comes along the way I would deligently learn from it too and move.
Yes failure is a best teaching because it let you know what's right from what's wrong and also correct you from your mistakes and also let you know what you shouldn't do and when anything happens it lets you to know what next you should do before getting out of hands and moreover you won't want what happen then happen again to you.
Even though as we all have seen failure is the best teacher and of course leads to experience. But do not take it that failure is the best teacher and they have for you want to fell so that you will see how it feels, always do your best to win at any point in time. Not every successful person has encountered failure.
Teachers fail because they are overwhelmed.

You are not alone. Many teachers - especially new teachers - feel this way in their first few years in the classroom. Once you are overwhelmed, how do you deal with what makes or breaks you? Take a deep breath and step back.
Failure isn't really the best teacher but I totally understand the angle you are coming from and it's still cool. Most people tend to fair better in life after failing at some points because they got to know where they went wrong at every step they took. But I still feel it's better to learn from other people's mistake because we don't have all the time in the world to try a thing and fail.
This is absolutely true, when you fail at something, you would definitely have known about the wrong steps you took and will successfully plan a better alternative to those wing steps to achieve success when you try again. Alot of people confuse failure to be the opposite of success but very few people know that failure is actually a step to achieving success.

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