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Do you want to retire in a rural area or urban area?

I am living in rural area and my service is only 3 years but I have decided I will always live in rural area because I would like to enjoy the beauty of nature.
No doubt there is deficiency of education and hospital in rural areas but also the environment is to clean and the security issues are nothing in these areas.
Retirement in an urban area or rural area all depends on the place where you work if you were working in a rural area definitely you will retire in the right area but working in an urban area will also make you retire in an urban area.
I think I will go to live in a country side when I am ready to retire. Living in a country side will not only save money but also help me live healthy (because there is no pollution)
Lately I have been witnessing a lot of people retiring and moving to the rural area, instead of staying in the noisy urban area.
When you will retire would you want to choose the silent rural area instea of the noisy urban area?
My people prefer retiring in their place of birth, I mean they prefer enjoying their retirement in the rural area where there's peace, to avoid going through unnecessary stress again.
Anywhere nature carry me that's where I'm going to retire. I'm not retiring in the city and relocating back to the village when my body doesn't want that.
Depends on when I retire and the goals I have after retirement. For the ones who retire old the rigours of regular urban life may be too much for them and so they go to the rural area. A person that retired young and active with some other interests may need to stay in the urban area to foster that interest
I would like to retire in a rural area with a serene environment and cool place with good security. I want this again just because I will have access to good food at my disposal
I think most people will like to have retired into the urban centers if they were to have the means to make that happen. But not everyone can afford that class, so most will go to the rural areas instead
Because if the high cost of settling in a urban area, i would simply settle in a semi urban area or at least he most, a rural area where my income can comfortably pay for without bleading my entire heart for it
Well, it depends on the kind of business I'm doing. There are some businesses that prosper in rural areas and not in urban areas. But one has to be prepared for the worse kinds of things like poor infrastructure and the likes.
I prefer leaving in the city, where things are happening. Life is worth it at the city cos of the massive development that makes life enjoyable than in the rural areas.
Write your reply...do you want to retire in a rural area or urban area well as for I think I will prefer to retire in a rural area the reason why I said that is because the cause of living is better in the rural areas than that of the urban areas
I rather retire and still stay at the urban areas than rural area , going to rural area newly might cause hypertension (to the old ones) because things will not be same and it will be difficult to adapt
The urban area comes with stress, everyone seems to be I'm a rush not to talk of the noise and air pollution in the environment which is why I'll like to settle down in a rural urban area that HSS basic annuities
I want to retire in rural area obviously , but its still more than 40 years left for my retirement from any job. I prefer rural area because I enjoy nature and its components like animals and plants.
For me wherever I find peace will be fine by me. I can decide to go to a foreign country and just rest my ass till it's time to die. 😊😊😊😊
I notice recently that people who retire and change thier location or style of living always fall sick, so from the view I prefer staying in the urban
I believe individuals that perform such are actually coming from the more mature age group, I do not believe anybody coming from this time around will wish to perform such. In the metropolitan locations I'll still obtain some social chances likewise I'll have actually a higher possibility of obtaining a edge task.
When it comes to retirement I believe it's something that someone looks out for in a place where he or she will have peace so I believe that the rural area is going to be more perfect situated for one's retirement.
People normally move ( relocate) to the rural area after retirement to have total peace.. they don't want to be Disturbed by any thing in the noisy area
If I have the type of money that if I should retire today will enable to me to stay in the urban area, that would really be nice. But it is not something everybody can actually afford now is it?

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