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Do you smoke ?

I personally don't smoke to be honest I really hate the smell of it so theres no way I will even try to smoke sometime.
When someone is smoking infront of me it freaks me out and I simply leaves the area so I can breath peacefully with no disturbing smell of a cigarette.
Smoking is very unhealthy it makes people to cough daily and to breath hardly, and also increases the chance of getting some related diseases.
It is also make them smell bad to the point people cannot be next to them without smelling their cigarette smell. conclusion avoid smoking.
Do you Smoke ? or you are far this habit ,

well i had , but at the moment i dont smoke , i left this habit ,

I never smoked in my life. I know its bad for you and thats one reason why I dont. People smoke mostly because they wanna be cool and fit in the world but its not worth it.
Tabex stores are a good place for smokers to visit if they are looking to quit smoking. These stores were first introduced in Sweden in the 1960s. They offer smoking cessation products that are effective at helping smokers quit.
don't use tobacco.
I believe smoking is a nasty habit, and smokers smell bad all around them.
I'm glad my father gave up smoking since I had to schedule my visits with him to be the last thing I did before taking a shower and trying to wipe the smell of cigarette smoke out of my hair.
Do you Smoke ? or you are far this habit ,

well i had , but at the moment i dont smoke , i left this habit ,

I don't smoke, and I've never smoked. I've been tempted a few times, but I just don't like it. It makes me feel gross, and I don't like the smell.

I know people who smoke, and they are good people. They are kind and thoughtful and hard-working—and they all smoke. I also know people who don't smoke, and they are also kind, thoughtful, and hard-working—and they don't smoke!

So long as you're not smoking in my face or blowing smoke on me when we're talking (which is rude), I'm good with whatever choice you make about whether or not to smoke. Just remember: You're not just making a decision for yourself—you're also making one for everyone around you!

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