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Do you smoke ?

I'm currently trying to quite, i've been two whole weeks without smoking. I went about 6 months without it but then started again. So hopefully I don't start smoking again, i'm probably going to get one of them nicotine inhalers.
I don't smoke. I do have a pack of cigarettes in my car and a pack of Captain Black's on my desk but I haven't touched either in over a month. Once in a blue moon I feel like having one so I do, but aside from that I probably smoke 2-3 cigarettes/cigarillos per month.
I do not smoke. I think it's a bad habit and people who smoke make everything smell bad. I'm glad my father stopped smoking because literally whenever I would visit I had to make it the last thing I do in the day because immediately I would have to take a shower and try to get the cigarette smoke smell out of my hair.
I don't smoke. It's a bad habit that negatively affects the people around you. However, I do understand that some people just grew up smoking and that it can be hard to quit.
I do, but not as much as I used to when I turned 18. I'd smoke every day, multiple times a day. However, I'd never go through a pack a day like some people do. Today I only smoke maybe once every few weeks or really just whenever I feel like it.
I do,this is like my 4 year from when i started. I know its bad and stuff like that but i really don't care about that. Alot of things today is bad and people don't even know about it and still they use it. I don't smoke like crazy but i like to light up some cigar when i am nervous.
Habit of smoking is bad sometimes when you try to stop its hard but i managed :D Took me awhile to stop been smoking for 3 years now its been like a year now since i stopped never ever wanna go back!
Thankfully I've never smoked and most smokers I know, wish they could give up. Smoking really is bad for your health and thankfully it is becoming more socially unacceptable.
I'm a smoker unfortunately, but not a pack a day smoker. One pack I buy would last for 3 days atleast. I don't worry too much about smoking because we all pass away eventually.

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