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Do you often use your days off and sick days?

Well if anyone is sick or he or she feel bored and weak, such person should just try to rest and take some medications than coming to the work and something will come and happen.
For me I take my off days very seriously. I usually take an use my off days. I normally use them to rest. It's very important for the body to rest atleast one day in a week. This can ease and refreshes your brain which can help the brain performance.
For me I take my off days very seriously. I usually take an use my off days. I normally use them to rest. It's very important for the body to rest atleast one day in a week. This can ease and refreshes your brain which can help the brain performance.
Well why me, I only take my days off only when I am working online and maybe the sickness is too serious that I can not do anything much online or think well per say.
Well going for an off from work, is just a title to some people. personally when I am off, I tried to make myself productive or useful In such a way that can generate to me some income before resuming back to work.
I do take sometimes off to relax myself. I do not just need a situation that I have to overwork my body to a point of getting sick. Rest and relaxation is very important to me.
Health is wealth because you can't work if you are not medically fit so I always take some time off work to rejuvenate some lost energy and when ever I am not feeling too well I take the day off to rest.

This is why I think that it is a must to take leaves when you are hire for a job. You cannot work perfectly in case you do not take care of your health in the right manner.
This is why I think that it is a must to take leaves when you are hire for a job. You cannot work perfectly in case you do not take care of your health in the right manner.
I have seen on the news and I've heard many stories of people dying because of stress and high blood pressure that must have been resulted as a result of lack of relaxation. This are real which obviously indicates that our health should come first.
I have seen on the news and I've heard many stories of people dying because of stress and high blood pressure that must have been resulted as a result of lack of relaxation. This are real which obviously indicates that our health should come first.

I think that those folks stress themselves beyond their limits. There are many people out there who are workaholics. Our bodies are not simply designed to work that way.
I think that those folks stress themselves beyond their limits. There are many people out there who are workaholics. Our bodies are not simply designed to work that way.
The point you raised is true, most especially people who are above the age of 40 In this situation you shouldn't be overworking yourself to a point that you neglect your medical care just because you are interested to make money. No ! your life is more important.
The point you raised is true, most especially people who are above the age of 40 In this situation you shouldn't be overworking yourself to a point that you neglect your medical care just because you are interested to make money. No ! your life is more important.

Unfortunately, money becomes priority when you do not earn enough of it and this means that if you do not make enough money, you will face more hardships. This is a reality.
Well sometimes may day off from work are most often use for refreshments because the body needed some rest and also tey to engaged myself into some productive exercise that will helped increase my earnings.
No matter the type of job either easy or not easy, our body, brain and mind also need rest. Take the opportunity whenever you see it to relax your body and brain. I always create a free day for myself at least once per month
Well if you are on an online worker especially, is very good that when you are sick you should just try to rest in order to avoid any problem that you might get ban in anywhere here working.
No matter the type of job either easy or not easy, our body, brain and mind also need rest. Take the opportunity whenever you see it to relax your body and brain. I always create a free day for myself at least once per month
Seriously , there are so many people that are working in a very tedious environment and their schedule is always occupied. Resting is very important , we shouldn't be harming ourselves by overworking the body.
Some people use them because they are not very needed in their jobs and their job is not really depending on them, but some are just too busy so their job is not really allowing them to take them often, sometimes a business depends on you and you cannot abandon it just like that so you simply postpones it to another period, when it will be possible to use it. Days off and sick days are days everyone who is working is in a need of, so even those people who are too busy at their jobs need to insist to get what they deserve, that is my opinion about it. So what about you do you use them often? and if so how sastisfied are you with the amount of days that your country and job permit.
My off days are very special to me. I find a whole lot of time for myself. Also I use it as an opportunity to visit some relatives and friends who I don't really contact in person.
Sick time is, as its name implies, for when you’re sick, and vacation time is for everything else. So, if you have an appointment, your kid is feeling under the weather, or you have a family emergency, you often had to use your vacation time instead of your sick time.
I'll never dare to use my days of rest for office work. The stress alone that's involved isn't a minor thing; any slight opportunity I get to take time off, I'll grab with my two hands without hesitation.
Yes, there's no how you can prevent that you'll definitely have sick day. I remembered for like 3 straight days recently, I can't make any comments because of stress.
Yes for sure, one can't just stress himself by working hard when he or she is sick, it's very advisable that when one is sick, he should have time to rest.it will help
Because you cannot begin working while you are ill, it is impossible for a sick person to continue working. If you become ill, you should take time off.

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