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Do you donate to charity?


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
5000+ Posts Club
Oct 27, 2020
Do you guys ever donate to a charity or a cause close to you? I try to donate sometimes, or whenever I can. I will donate to causes that I agree with or want to see helped. I also donate to friends and family in need.

What about you?

Also, keep in mind that you can use donations as a tax write-off, so you can get back for donating.
i use to make it as a habit to always give to charitable courses at the beginning of each year, i usually visit motherless baby homes and also give to displaced people on the street.
I am someone that loves to donate to charity when I am able to whether it be money towards a cause or even old clothes or old items that I no longer have a use for I don't mind giving those to charity as well knowing I am helping people who are less fortunate than me. One charity I gave to recently was the Blue Cross Charity in which animals are taken to be looked after or for their end-of-life care, it is an animal hospital and unfortunately, they do not get any financial support from the government so they rely on donations from people who use their hospital for their animals. I made a donation when I took my cat in who we had to let go due to her being really unwell. They ensured she was calm and well-loved as she passed away.

One thing I do not approve of those is charities that grab you in the street and try to guilt you into giving right there on the spot. I am someone who will give when I am able to and hate being placed on the spot as I have been on occasion.
I make sure that whatever I give in charity goes to the deserved person. Many a times, I have seen people defrauding the gullible in the name of charity.

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