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Delete or keep bad comments on social media?


Resident Member
500 Posts Club
Mar 15, 2019
Let's say you sent out a social post and someone wrote a bad comment about it. What's in your best interest to handle it if your customers have already seen it? If he's not a troll, but someone with a valid opinion...do you delete the comment or let it remain? How do you handle it?
Deciding whether to delete or keep bad comments on social media depends on several factors and ultimately comes down to your personal preference and goals. Some considerations whether to delete or not are impact on others, content and context, your objectives, legal and policy compliance.
Deleting a bad comment could benefit our mental health. So why not? If we care less, we could spend our time doing things that really matter.
If the comment is from a genuine customer, I will reply to it and make sure things are rectified but if the comment is made by my competitor, then I will raise a complaint and get it removed.
Let's say you sent out a social post and someone wrote a bad comment about it. What's in your best interest to handle it if your customers have already seen it? If he's not a troll, but someone with a valid opinion...do you delete the comment or let it remain? How do you handle it?
I would advise against deleting negative comments because doing so can give the impression that you are bothered by what others are saying about you. Instead, it's best to respond with humor and let them know that their negative words cannot affect you. If possible, you can even reply with a laughing emoji to show that you find their comments amusing and lighthearted.
You are the one who is entirely in charge of your social media feed and you should only keep information that you think are useful or a positive to you. If you find a comment that does not resonate with you you can delete it.
I never delete an honest opinion, if the commentator has a valid point, I will try to reply with reasons. When I see 5/5 start reviews, I always tend to believe that the reviews are fake. I do not think you can make 100 percent of people satisfied. Therefore, I kee bad comments just to show that the reviews are genuine. If you are doing really well, 1-2 bad comments will not hamper you.
Depends on the subject of the video though. If it's just some bully who's spouting hateful things, I'm all for removing that. But there are also YouTubers who have made really bad videos, sometimes offensive and inappropriate get by, and people will sometimes make a comment to question that. Or when a YouTuber makes a supposed apology video, but delete comments from people who are commenting on said allegations.

I think it depends on the subject of the video. Because sometimes, the comments are warranted when a YouTube does something wrong. But if it's clear bullying and harassments, they have every right to remove comments, or even close comments.
I respect people's opinions on any subject. If I posted on any social media, it means I wanted to hear other people's opinion on it. If I then delete a comment because it's not what I like to hear, I've defeated the purpose of making the post. Even if it's a troll, I won't delete it but will allow other users to engage the user who posted the troll and attack him or her for being a troller.
The only kind of comment that I delete on my social media posts are those off topic promotional posts posted by users who were willing to spam my posts with their advertisement posts. Any other posts on my accounts are not getting deleted for any reason whatsoever.

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