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Curse or blessing


Ledgendary Member
5000+ Posts Club
Jan 25, 2021
Please i need your Candid opinion on this question, if sex before marriage is a sin, but the child is a blessing from God.
The Question is: Can a sin produce a blessing? Can we receive a blessing from a sin?
Well children are always going to be a blessing from God and so no matter the thing that produce children they will always remain a blessing but the heart the sexual act itself is a sin and so therefore we should always try to avoid sexual immorality.
Well children are always going to be a blessing from God and so no matter the thing that produce children they will always remain a blessing but the heart the sexual act itself is a sin and so therefore we should always try to avoid sexual immorality.
Yes , children are always a blessing no matter how they were brought to the the world, either by marriage or through sexual immoralities.
We all know that children is a blessing from God, no matter anything we should avoid anything that will make one to sin against God, so to have a blessing from God.
Go and read how God reacted to the child David in the Bible had when he lay with the wife of urea the hitttit,he had a son no doub but God was not happy with it.
the most things that we do that are coarse and some other things that we do that is a blessing but it's better to do what it's blessed to do that do what to bring course to you as for me I do follow my conscience what my phone says tell me is wrong is wrong then what are congested way is right that's what I do my conscience is my guide
The act is sin,but the child is a blessing, children are gift from God,that's while a stolen money can buy a house,but the owner of the house buries himself in guilts while the house still remains there.
As for me I don't see sex before marriage as a sin, I see it as a way in which you can test that which you want to purchase. So you don't get into wrong hand
The child that came our of that act of sex before marriage, has nothing to do with the guilt of sin that hangs on his other parents that bore him or her
A son seems to be a blessing although it is being created by a sin as they say but a son is a continue to his father, he has the same genes, same blood, and same race. A father should be proud of having a continue of him since in this way even if he dies his son will remain and will probably keep the circle by giving a birth just as his father did. Some people cannot make kids so technically only this fact telling you that it is a blessing because not everyone deserves it.
Well, blessing all we want from God. No one want curse from God. But one who gives curse to somebody, it can turn back to them.
Yes children are blessings from the Lord but that should not take away the truth or what is right that sex before married is not a good thing actually and not right at all so should be avoided to make sure it's result to that

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