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Censorship on anti-vaccine content?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 403
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Deleted member 403

Many substantial social media networking websites, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to name a few, are well known for their censorship regarding COVID-19. If people don't agree to the government encouraging the vaccine through various social media websites. They reply with something which isn't "politically correct," for example, I could say, "I don't know the risks of the vaccine, the short and long term risks, and I would much rather catch COVID-19 to train my immune system to create my anti-bodies(vaccine)". This would either be removed in most instances or Facebook would fact check it and say it's factually incorrect information (false news).

What do you think? I am all for the vaccine, I've had it but I disagree with how most governments are handling the pandemic. They shouldn't force it upon those that don't wish to have the vaccine and that includes restriction of movements and freedom. I am really worried to the path that the world is heading in!
Well, I agree with you. But, I must say that while I understand peoples fear of the vaccine I just think it is a bit archaic to think that the vaccines will cause problems or whatever in the long run. I do think it is negative that the government are making it mandatory, people can't even travel out until they get vaccinated.
I think that this censorship on such views is placed because the governments are working hard to provide the best control of the pandemic. And they have found that the vaccine is one the best control measures. So they don't want anyone tampering with their plans.
I think that this censorship on such views is placed because the governments are working hard to provide the best control of the pandemic. And they have found that the vaccine is one the best control measures. So they don't want anyone tampering with their plans.
Though it is understandable, but the way they are going about it completely goes against most of our fundamental rights. We nolonger have free movements until we take the vaccine. The painful part is that taking the vaccine is not a guarantee that you are safe from contacting it.
This shouldn't be made mandatory at all. No matter how important we value lives, the government cannot force a human to live by making the vaccine a must and thereby limiting non vaccinated citizens to most things. I'm one of those who believes in the long run damage the vaccine might cause to the body.
I have been to many crowded places when the pandemic was at its peak. Not even a single time I have contracted Covid-19 virus or even experienced any kind of symptoms, so I guess, I am not vulnerable to the virus at all and I agree with @Alexander . No one should be forced to get vaccinated.
You're very correct @Alexander and I share your sentiments 100%. It's now seeming like there's something else to this whole vaccine thing that the governments aren't talking about and this isn't the best way to go.
Openness about things like this should be a priority.
I think people should be given the rights to free speech and speak their mind, what they should not be allowed to do is to spread fake news and rumors.
You are a good observant as I notice this on Facebook and I am very sure the decision of Facebook to be deleting post against the anti virus will be hinted by the government. Seriously with this, I do believe that the COVID was created in order for everybody to take the vaccine.
Since vaccine is the only way to stop the spreading of Covid, vaccine should be compulsory. Those who speak against covid vaccine should be blocked form public platform
I believe it should be forced on people. I mean it's been scientifically proven that it's has little effect on people. An unvaccinated person is a danger to us all.
Many substantial social media networking websites, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to name a few, are well known for their censorship regarding COVID-19. If people don't agree to the government encouraging the vaccine through various social media websites. They reply with something which isn't "politically correct," for example, I could say, "I don't know the risks of the vaccine, the short and long term risks, and I would much rather catch COVID-19 to train my immune system to create my anti-bodies(vaccine)". This would either be removed in most instances or Facebook would fact check it and say it's factually incorrect information (false news).

What do you think? I am all for the vaccine, I've had it but I disagree with how most governments are handling the pandemic. They shouldn't force it upon those that don't wish to have the vaccine and that includes restriction of movements and freedom. I am really worried to the path that the world is heading in!
I am of the opinion that the vaccination should be a thing forced upon people. I know the government is trying to curb the spread of the virus by initiating certain inconveniencing measures, still taking the vaccine should not be made compulsory.
YouTube will block all anti-vaccine content, moving beyond its ban on false information about the COVID vaccines to include content
I also don't think it is necessary to force people to take the vaccine, it is their live if they choose to die when they contract covid-19 without going to the hospital, so be it.
Forcing people to take vaccine is the reason there is protest in some countries, right now it looks like a modern day slavery. Some people even said that the government is trying to force chips on people.
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I think people should be given the rights to free speech and speak their mind, what they should not be allowed to do is to spread fake news and rumors.
It is only in the world of military regime that people don't have the right to express themselves but in the world that we have today which is democracy everyone is free to express what they want to express as long as it's not sedition.
The way the government have handled the vaccine issues has really been below par and nothing should be forced on people, it shouldn't be a requirement of any kind too and people can say whatever they feel
Censorship on anti vaccine update is unfair and a violation of freedom of individuals to express themselves. I do not think it's right seriously.
The social media played a big roll in the sensitization of the public on the use of the covid 19 vaccine. Majorly, most of these channels have made it a bit difficult for the success of the project.
Just like we have right to other things in life,the issue of taking vaccines should not be made mandatory,especially for those who are having reservations about the vaccines.I understand the concerns from the authorities.
Though in the heat of the pandemic,there are so many persons that would not ordinary like to take the vaccine,and if not for the strick stance of the government,these persons will just stick to their believe.
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must say that while I understand peoples fear of the vaccine I just think it is a bit archaic to think that the vaccines will cause problems or whatever in the long run. I do think it is negative that the government are making it mandatory, people can't even travel out until they get vaccinated.

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